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West's 2015 Rock'n Haunted Castle

Tracy West

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After a long year off due to moving and a new job, I am finally trying to get back into the swing and work on a new light show this year.


It has been tough getting started after so much time off away from the programming and playing with all the new lighting equipment.


My goal is to completely switch to DMX lighting including my singing faces.


I started working on revamping the castle (pun intended) and repairing the large spider web and putting dumb rgb nodes on it.


Most likely due to time, I am just going to go back and redo some of my old sequences and update them to the new format, but hopefully I will be able to complete one new sequence for the show.


Let the Madness Begin! :ph34r:


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Good luck and looking forward to the videos. I know the feeling of not having much time, last year right after my Halloween stuff came down I got transfered from 2nd shift to 3rd, on 2nd I had tons of time, now on 3rd it's very limited while watching my almost 3 year old all day and sleeping when my wife gets home from work. Doesn't help that she wanted about 8-9 new sequences between halloween and Christmas lol. Keep up the good work

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  • 2 months later...

it has been a struggle to get things done this year with my lighting display.


Usually by this time I am just nearly finished with my sequences and are focusing on my prop building.


My job and my wife's health issues have taken the front seat on all of my time.


I hope to knock out my sequences by the end of July and then work on completing and tweaking my props.


I am finally getting to work on some sequencing today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally had some success on completing a couple of sequences (Reworking actually) and have revamped (pun intended) my castle faces.


Three more sequences to rework and a lot of soldering RGB nodes to put on my spider web.


Feeling better now that some work has been done.


I hope to get more done this weekend. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still struggling to find time to work on my light display. Work and my wife's health issues have taken up a lot of my time. Trying to squeeze every waking moment into working on sequences and updating props.


Added a draw bridge / laser screen to the castle and it really came out looking cool! B)


I am still waiting on my RGB nodes to come in to redo my spider web.


August is going to be hot in Austin, but I am going to have to spend a lot of time in my workshop to get everything done! :huh:


To the workshop I go! Much to do!

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About 500 RGB Lights and 1000 zip ties.. The Spider web is completed!


And.. I finished it in 105 temp! :o


Ready for Fall now....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the web. Started mine last year but ran out of pixels so I took it apart. That web sucks up the pixels!!!

Halloween is just round the corner!!!

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Finally making some solid headway with this years Halloween Light display! :D


This year was to go back and add new elements to my Rock'n Haunted Castle. I think that they are coming out pretty cool.


I cannot wait to see it all put together.


Here is a couple of samples of some things that were added. I added a Laser screen/ Draw Bridge and a Magical Picture / Mirror Frame for the signing pumpkin.

Here is a links to see.






Time to work on building a standing frame for the picture frame, and repair fences and tombstones. :wacko:

Edited by Tracy West
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  • 2 weeks later...


It is only September 21st and I am overall finished with all of my sequences! :o


I will continue to go back and look and tweak on some areas, but they are done!


Now, on to my punch list of things to repair and touch up!


It is going to be hard not to start putting stuff out, but I have a couple of more weeks before I can! :wacko:

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Worked today on getting out all of my lights, lasers and fog machines to set DMX addresses and to test the foggers and lasers.


Brings me to my Chauvet 1300!


I bought it and used it for one season and the @#$% thing does not work! That is twice I have bought a Chauvet and used it one season and it not work the next!


I cleaned it thoroughly inside and out and had it in a controlled environment and it still does not work!


I have had better luck with the little foggers from Walmart. I have one of those that is 5 years old and still going strong!


Bummed! I hate poor quality products. If it cannot work for more than one season, then it is poor quality.

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Damn....I forgot to drain and clean both my Chauvet 1300 from last year and realized it a few days ago. I hope they work?


Thanks for the reminder Kevin. I better check mine too.


It is only September 21st and I am overall finished with all of my sequences! :o


I will continue to go back and look and tweak on some areas, but they are done!


Now, on to my punch list of things to repair and touch up!


It is going to be hard not to start putting stuff out, but I have a couple of more weeks before I can! :wacko:


Tracy, glad to hear your ahead of the game on sequencing. Sorry to hear about the fogger. I too have had many fail on me in the past. :(

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That is funny. I kept fog juice in the old foggers and they worked fine.. Cleaned and pampered the Chauvet and it crapped out on me.


Go figure....


Oh well... What is another $100 bucks in the big scheme of things of this addiction! :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

How many out there have been cursed with the Light Gremlin?


Had tested my web last month and everything was working fine. I put the web on the house this last weekend and finally got all the controllers hooked up only to have one section not firing RED on the RGB lights. Tested all connections only to find that I have pulled a wire (Red) from the line when I put it on the house.


Sigh.... Nothing like climbing up on a ladder to solder a wire... :(


I am doing full build up this weekend. Hopefully no more Light Gremlins!

Edited by Tracy West
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I've been there Tracy. Don't feel alone.

Good thing is, you know how to fix it. 


Good luck on the rest of your display.

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