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Relationship between 4.0 , Pixel Editor and Superstar


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I seem to be a bit confused about how the new upgrade is intended to work.  It seems a bit fragmented and I not sure if I have the concept correct?

Sequence as always with the sequence editor (if lots of pixels you may continue to have delays and long load times).

Use the new pixel editor for effects on objects (nutcracker like) and create a intensity data file (faster and lower load times) run automatically as a separate file during playback.

Use Superstar and create a separate intensity data file for playback but you must start over again with the new superstar to be able to make the new intensity data files which can not be shared with the pixel editor.

In a typical mixed display with pixels and AC controllers you would sequence AC stuff in the sequence editor,  Object patters in the Pixel editor and pixel programming in Superstar. Show would have three different sequencing files and sequenced from 3 different programs.???????????


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I'm confused as well.  I'm still trying to understand exactly how to get events lined up between two and/or three different programs?  I sequence to some pretty close tolerances, and when I have a spot when many lights blare on all at once, that needs to occur within a 1 centisecond variance.  How do I accomplish this while not being able to see what I'm doing?

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I'm confused as well.  I'm still trying to understand exactly how to get events lined up between two and/or three different programs?  I sequence to some pretty close tolerances, and when I have a spot when many lights blare on all at once, that needs to occur within a 1 centisecond variance.  How do I accomplish this while not being able to see what I'm doing?


Easy George


First, hook all your lights up outside

Wait till the sun goes down

bring your computer outside

start programming 

output to S4


simple :)

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My biggest issue is the timeline in the pixel editor honestly sucks. It's very glitchy and slo. It also isn't in perfect sync with the sequence editor.

I really wishes they'd handle all sequencing with 1 program. I'm Also concerned with are we going to lose pixel features in sequence editor since we got a pixel editor now...well if we pay a extra $50 we do anyhow.

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I can export existing sequences in superstar to intensity file supposedly. At least there are commands in superstar that says I can.

I have tried but I just don't see the file and nothing plays in visualizer when I try to add to existing sequence, or create a new sequence.

Anyone successfully export a superstar to intensity file yet? If so, how'd you do it??

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i did by accident i had to put my files in my pc c drive program files x 86 and lightorama folder why i dont know but it now shows my sequence in the preview window after i made a 16 legg tree prop but it is only showing 8 of the 16 legs playing still figuring out lol

Edited by john fulkerson
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hey i got an idea why not put all the kicks and giggles into 1 program instead of 3 just an idea at my age i cant remember all the commands for each 3 programs have to retrain myself every year

Edited by john fulkerson
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I was kind of looking for a general process from Brian or the others at LOR in the know as to how they designed the sequencing process to go (in general terms). and how the 3 pieces fit together for a complete show?

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Maybe some sort of "visual/graphical  road map" of how all the pieces are supposed to fit together, and their use and function would help

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DevMike responded in the General Beta section.   See his response there. Basically three programs for three different uses. All will play together but don't share the same object in more than one of the three programs.

Edited by jerrymac
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