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One event not working all the time.


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Just got done sequencing a song, and during play back, sometimes the event works, and then does not work. It is an on event, not a shimmer or twinkle. I have tried it on two different computers and have the same problem. It is a single on, and I tried to turn on a whole column and none of the lights come on at the event. I plugged in lights to the controller, and they did not light. Software glitch?? Version 3.12.0 Basic Plus. The way this is sequenced, it is on one of my eaves, and looks horrible in the show when it does not come on.

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Does it not come on in the Visualizer, or in your actual physical lights?


Have you tried running the LOR Verifier against your show, and seeing if it comes up with any errors? For example, this could be caused by more than one channel trying to control the same circuit, which the Verifier would detect.


If there are channel settings, are you sure they're correct? Correct device type, network, unit ID, circuit ID, for example?

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Also how many controllers are you using?  Are you using tracks in the Sequence Editor, and if so, how many?


 Basic+ License only supports 4 controllers and 2 tracks.  


So if you have more than 4 controllers or have more than 2 tracks set up in the Sequence Editor, Basic Plus will not see any controller after #4 and if you have a track 1 and a track 2, and then set up a track 3, any lights that are in track 3 or above will not turn on.


You'd need to upgrade your license level to use the additional controller{s} or track{s}, providing this is what could be causing your issues.


If not, then there's another issue going on, and like others, the most probable cause you have is the same channel assigned elesewhere, creating a conflict between the 2 channels asssigned the same number, which will confuse the SE and controllers, causing erratic light patterns or none at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. Yes there was a conflict and I cleaned it up. Got a lot of help with John Storms video that led me in the right direction. Working great now.

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