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Channel Property Grid Bug


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I don't know if this has been reported, did a search but did not find anything.

Problem Seen in Version 2.0.8. Seq. with 136 channels configured. Experienced in multiple sequences converted from 1.6.1

In the Channel Property Grid, the Unit # can appear set to 07 ( or other) but it is not, when saved channel will be set to unit 01 (maybe lowest unit value). When looking at Channel Properties Unit 01 will be displayed, but in Channel Property Grid 07 will be displayed.

Steps to reproduce,

1. Open Sequence Channel Property Grid.

2. Set Mutliple Channels (enough to need to use the scroll bar) device type to Light O Rama controller.

3. Scroll back to top, and set channel to unit 07, channel 1.

4. Scroll down to bottom of channels set in step 2, then back to the top, grid will display Unit 07, Channel 1 on all the channels that were scrolled.

5. Set Channels 2 -16, to have unique channel numbers (2-16) Leave unit 07 displayed. Click Ok, and Save.

6. In Sequence window, click on Channel 2 - 16, Unit number displayed is 01. Open Channel Property Grid, Unit 07 will still be displayed.

Workaround, Set the appropriate Unit in the channel properties.

Hope this makes sense.



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In the initial comment I stated that the Unit number was being set to 01. That was based on the displayed value in Channel Properties.

One of my sequences had a problem of some channels turning on with the music, but the wrong channel. I looking at the Channel Properties everything looked correct, so I exported the channel configuration and imported it into another sequence and the problem moved to that sequence also.

Since LORII stores the channel config as a XML file, I opened the config in Excel and looked at the data. I found some channels that I had thought were assigned to unit 01, actually had a value of -1 in the config. I went back to the sequence editor, changed the Channel Properties to Unit 02 then back to 01. This set the proper unit number, and the channels now responded properly.



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