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Satelite TV Interference


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Not sure if this has ever been posted before and I have never heard of it. My neighbor has direct TV and just told me that she gets intereference in the form of fuzz during the entire light show. Has anyone ever heard of this before? We have comcast cable and have never had problems and none of the other neighbors have said anything.

I know that she is on the same transformer as I am, but I dont experience anything at all so I dont think it is a power issue.

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tell her you need to have a look see to verify it.


Sounds like she may have a bad connection in her cable or maybe she is just complaining about your lights without actually complaining about them.


She may be picking up a little static in her cable from you if you are wireless and her sat system is aiming right over your display controllers.


Call Direct TV Tech Support have a recorder and ask them if it is possible you are causing the interference on their sat system.

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I am wondering if it might be the FM transmitter or the amplifier.

Last year the house was owned by someone else and they told me they were having problems. They even called the power company to come out and look at it who told them everything was fine. Now, they were not very nice so I thought they were just making it up. The lady that lives there now is very sweet and telling me the same thing so...

Last year was the first year that I heard anything about interference and it was also the first year that I installed a 1 watt amplifier for the FM transmitter. My antenna is on the north side of my house and her satellite dish is on the south side of her house (i.e. about 20' apart).

I am going to first move the antenna to the other side and see if that resolves the issue, if not I will then take the amplifier out of the line. I will keep all of you updated for informational purposes.

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I've personally worked with, on and tested DTV from before it was ever heard of till a couple of years ago when I retired. I can tell you that the downlink frequencies and data compression are far beyond and outside of anything that LOR could have ever come up with. No offense meant to LOR in that. I would rather suspect that her phone line connection to her DTV box is somehow picking up noise via an older remote telephone. How she could even "see" or "hear" your show through the DTV system is nearly impossible but lets allow for the unknowns here. Find out if she's using old 900mhz phones. If you have a 2.4Ghz phone, try switching out her's with it and see if the issue goes away. If so, good neighbor relations, buy her one...they are cheap. I need more information and I'm sure LOR would like to know as well. If she's "hearing" your show, have her disconnect the phone plug from her DTV box and see if it goes away, because frankly, its impossible for anything LOR is doing to corrupt the data signal from a spacecraft 22,300 miles up, unless.......her DTV antenna is in the "Direct Line of Sight" of the spacecraft on-orbit...in other words, her antenna is pointed directly at your display and even if that was the case, it just can't happen.

Edited by dgrant
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The culprit was the FM Transmitter Amplifier.

SOrry to disagree with you dgrant, but I got home today and started the show early. Her TV would black out at specific portions of the show and when the light were on shimmer the screen would pixelate. I went to my garage and unhooked the 1 watt amplifier for the FM transmitter and voila, no more interference.


Just to clarify, I never stated she is "hearing" the show. The amplifier was affecting the signal.

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Just put a 10dB attenuator on the transmitter. That helped our digital OTA signal come back. :) And it barely made a difference in how far we transmit.

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amazing how a approx 100mhz signal can impact an 6-8ghz one, but hey, anything is possible I suppose. 

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