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Trouble with DMX LED strips. LOR Controllers working


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I have used LOR for several years. This year I am moving to DMX. I have 2 16 channel Show Time controllers that I have used on the LOR network. They are running great on DMX. No problem there once I realized I had to define the channels as DMX in the sequencing software. My problem is with my DMX decoders I am using for my LED strips. I am using the PX24506 decoder units. I have 12 of these units. I have a DMX distro amp and lines running to my tree which has 8 controllers and to two groups of windows each with 2 of these decoders. I am running from the DMX Distro Amp to my LOR Show Time controller number 1 and then using a standard cat 5 cable between the two show time controllers.

As soon as I try to play a sequence, all LED strips come on full white. These are RGB strips. I get no control through DMX for these units. I have pulled one of the window boxes and brought inside to plug directly to my DMX unit (ENTTTEC OpenDMXUSB). I have my sequences set to start my LED strips at DMX Address 64.

In testing I do get minimal response when I set my DIP switches on the PX24506 units to addresses 1 - 10 but it is not the appropriate control.I only get random switching of colors that are not my color mix specified. I cannot send a signal to turn off the LED strips. I am using the RAW DMX protocol. I an at a loss for the setting of the DIP swithches on the PX24506 units. There are 10 DIP switches. I was under the impression that these were basic binary address setting switches but an now not sure. HELP!


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