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Splitting the beat

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Since I was a drummer in my youth, I kind of enjoyed tapping out Wizards in Winter :D

Once was plenty to sate the tapping passion though,:P so my next question is::

is there a fast easy shortcut for this?
I would like to tap out the beat of a song, then split the beats into even 16th notes.
or if the song is 6:8, split it into triplets.

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Disclaimer number one: I know zip about music so I depend on Marty or some mechanical mean to develop the beat in my sequences.

Now type this experiment and see if it inserts the events(beat) you are looking for:

Open new sequence - (I used animation it is easier)

Select 10 seconds for length

1 sec for each event

Now select the first event - scroll to the end - hold down the shift and select last event = now the first channel is completely selected.

Under Edit select mutilpe events and choose 100- OK

You now have 1/10 of a sec timeing

You are using varibable length events to start with but the same results should occur.

I hope I understood your question correctly.

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If I select 1 beat, I can split it into 4 this way, by adding 3 intervals
That works if I select each beat individually, but selecting more than one beat seems to merely select that TIME SLICE,

this is still better than tapping 16th notes each time.

if those dang musicians would keep their beats on even intervals, it would be easy, but they always seem to slow down and speed up at the transistions in a song.

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Pixeldigger's method is the way I do it. i.e., select a beat, then add "Multiple" events. (1 less than the number you want, for example 8th notes you would add 7 events).

It put the events in evenly between the beats you have added. It is a bit tedious to do for large portions of a song, but seems to be the only way (at the moment).

Good luck!


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pixeldigger wrote:

if those dang musicians would keep their beats on even intervals, it would be easy, but they always seem to slow down and speed up at the transistions in a song.

Silly musicians, always trying to add interest to their music :laughing::P.

You can split an event into equal parts by right clicking and using the "insert multiple..." command. So if you have a 1 second event, right click it, and select "Insert Multiple..." and say 3 events (you have 1, you want 4, so insert 3). This will give you 4 .25 second events.

Unfortunately there's no way I know of that you can select a range and say "split each event in this range into 4 equal parts" or what not. Feature Request!

Frankly I've given up on the tapper wizard -- I can't get it to do what I want, so I just use tenths of seconds grid and insert events where I want them based on listening to the song. My problem isn't the tapping itself (I'm a musician so I have decent rhythm), it's the fact that when I tap in multiple channels, the events from previous channels 'interfere" and I don't get what I want -- even if I have the "snap to events within..." setting set.


EDIT: Somehow I completely missed tabjraxa's response above which pretty much said the same thing.
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My problem isn't the tapping itself (I'm a musician so I have decent rhythm), it's the fact that when I tap in multiple channels, the events from previous channels 'interfere" and I don't get what I want -- even if I have the "snap to events within..." setting set.

Okay, I just asked a few questions about sequencing and your comment has me worried. I am laying the ground work for a simple song (Hark The Harold Trumpets Sing) and have different channels represent different brass instraments. For those who know the song, I have two channels coming in on the first trumpet, two more, and then a total of six for the first musical segment. I plan on fading them out as six channels come on for the next segment.

What do you mean by interfering with previous channels? I am brand new to this and don't want to spend thousands of hours :} on sequencing then come November nothing looks right.

Thanks for helping us noobs out!
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(I'm a musician so I have decent rhythm),

Ok just last week you said you were a geek. Now a musician. Don't know what to think. But if you truly are a geek then you can't keep no beet.

My sad attempt at rap.:waycool::laughing:
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BamaFlum wrote:

What do you mean by interfering with previous channels? I am brand new to this and don't want to spend thousands of hours :} on sequencing then come November nothing looks right.

Thanks for helping us noobs out!

It will look just fine if once you get the grid to do what you want. Basically, it's just a lot quicker for me to tell it to divide the grids up into 10ths, and just click stuff in by listening, clicking, listening, clicking (lather, rinse, repeat...) I've found that using the tapper takes me longer (and it has nothing to do with my rhythm).

Robin: Geeks and musicians are not mutually exclusive -- hence the term "band geek"! I'm a music software programmer so my musical geekiness goes deeper than most :(.

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Last year someone posted a quick tutorial on sequencing and that is what I used to get rolling. After playing with the approach I developed the following approach:

Set to .05second grid.
Use tapper wizard with toggle particular channel

This gives me the baseline to start with. Then I work through the sequence using play visible section and adjust the start and end of each event to be correct. This is very similar to Tim's approach but you use the tapper wizard to get started. That and I like the .05 grid.

I repeat this approach for each thing I am interested in (voice, beat, bell, guitar, etc...)


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