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How do I make different shows to play at diff times?

Old Sarge

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I cant find it. I can use the simple show builder with no problem What I am trying to do is see if there is a way to make and save different shows with different names and sequences that I can play at different times or on different days so i do not have the same show each time.


 Like I said the simple show builder I can use but I want to make different shows and save them if possible to show at different times.


I have tried to find it in the help menus but cannot find how to do it or the right section that explains how to do it. 


Thanks for any help you great people give me.


I do have LOR S3 version the new one with the new updates.... I forgot the number... with advanced lic with super star..




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Use the regular show editor and scheduler.  It is simple.   with the show editor select the songs you want in the order you want and save with a unique name.  do the same for each different show you want.  With the scheduler select what show on what day at what time.  Done. 

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