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Hardware wil not use my Sequences, Not MP3


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Sorry, this maybe a beginner question, But I have tried all I can think of and can not make it work.  I have created a  wav form,  deleted the audio file them selected it again and still I can not get it too work.  I even checked the read only setting.  Why Why Why.?   Only 3 songs, 64 channels have this problem.  Any help would be great.


Thank you



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I don't have much experience with this, but I do have one song I'm using taken from a video. I ran it through the free audacity program. Then exported it to my media files. Then replaced the media in SE with this new file. Everything is working perfectly.

Hope this helps and good luck.

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Use Audacity as described above, and insure that you are exporting the file as an mp3 file. LOR will not work with .wav files.

Then go to Sequencer, upload the sequence, go to edit and Media File. Change audio to new .mp3 file. You may have to delete or rename the original file that you used in order to change to the new one.

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Use Audacity as described above, and insure that you are exporting the file as an mp3 file. LOR will not work with .wav files.

Hmmm, Better not tell my show that is running entirely on .wav files

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Actually, Sequence editor and Superstar both convert MP3 to WAV before playing anyway ....


How many songs do you have? You say only 3 have this issue. Are they the only ones using WAV?


Also open one of the sequences with the issue.

Clcik Edit

Click Use Internal Media


See if that helps anything ..


Additionally, can you play the wav file using Windows Media Player?




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BTW, one followup to using .wav files. I recorded some voiceover fils at work in a studio. When I tried to load them, Sequence Editor read them fine, but SuperStar complained about the 48K sample rate. It suggested using 44.1K sample rate (the speed CDs use). I used Audacity to convert to 44.1K and both SE and SSE were happy.

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