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Making an all off sequence


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Hiya everybody!

For my upcomming show, I am wanting to run a pre-show, with only an info board and a pair of flood lights lit. The preshow will be a few songs, and I do not want the lights to cycle off then back on, so I can't use lights off after sequence in the show editor.

I am wondering how to build an all off sequence. What I am attempting atm, is a 2 sec animation sequence, where I turned all the lights on, then going through the xml, and changing all the intensities from 100 to 0.

Will this work?

Or, is there an easier way?

16 CCR's, 3 CCP's, & 8 16 ch. controllers makes ALOT of lines to modify..

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You build an all off sequence the same way you build an all on. Go into the sequence editor, define your channels, and leave the lights off.

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Thanks Don, I will try that. It just didn't look right. Without an intensity of zero, wasn't sure how the controller would take that.

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Hiya everybody!

For my upcomming show, I am wanting to run a pre-show, with only an info board and a pair of flood lights lit. The preshow will be a few songs, and I do not want the lights to cycle off then back on, so I can't use lights off after sequence in the show editor.

I am wondering how to build an all off sequence. What I am attempting atm, is a 2 sec animation sequence, where I turned all the lights on, then going through the xml, and changing all the intensities from 100 to 0.

Will this work?

Or, is there an easier way?

16 CCR's, 3 CCP's, & 8 16 ch. controllers makes ALOT of lines to modify..

Only takes a few minutes to do an all on.  Here is my all on sequence (In Red for this week because I am using Red, Green, & Blue Leds with my regular Lor controllers. I want everyone to think my display is all red this year, then I will turn them to all Green for a few days & then Blue. Then mix it up. I should add that I am using 6 regular controllers (for now, but I may put in another one), 4 ccps (1ccp controller is used for 4 arches, one ccp controller is on the front of the house, & 2 are running 4 "mini bushes) instead of "mini Trees", the 12 ccrs are for my Matrix.


The sequence is in Zip Form   P.S. The Song I used was "Carol Of The Bells By  August Burns Red" or find a song close to the time of that song.

Test sequence.zip

Edited by lightzilla
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Only takes a few minutes to do an all on.  Here is my all on sequence (In Red for this week because I am using Red, Green, & Blue Leds with my regular Lor controllers. I want everyone to think my display is all red this year, then I will turn them to all Green for a few days & then Blue. Then mix it up.


The sequence is in Zip Form   P.S. The Song I used was "Carol Of The Bells By  August Burns Red" or find a song close to the time of that song.

You're Sneeky!!!!


you going to make someone go crazy.

I hear it now...

"I swear that was RED yesterday"..."no honey it's always been BLUE"

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You're Sneeky!!!!


you going to make someone go crazy.

I hear it now...

"I swear that was RED yesterday"..."no honey it's always been BLUE"

I was going to add white Leds too but my "Tower Of Trees" which is made up of 15 2ft artificial trees couldn't take to much more weight otherwise the branches would sage. So I could of drove them a bit more in sane. :D

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