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grid lines and power supply


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I purchased a 32 channel system in June and purchased some sequences while I got started trying to learn on my own.  I am still trying, but struggling with certain aspects.  I am trying to move grid lines, but can only move them so far... Is there a way to "correct" this.  It seems like my timings are "close", but not quite right.  Any help would be appreciated. 


Also, I would like to figure out how to make a power supply that has outlets spaced out at predetermined intervals so I can run multiple fixtures on a single channel.  I have seen some youtube video tutorials, but unsure if they work or if they are safe.  If anyone could point me in a direction as to how these could be created I would greatly appreciate it. 


Thanks for your help and Happy Thanksgiving

Edited by seriouslylosingit
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Grid lines are TIMINGS I believe that's what your referring to.   You cak 'Skew track' and move ALL the timings to the right or left by x.xx seconds.


You can also divide the timings into closer timings for faster actions on lights.


RE: the power supply,  Im not 100% sure what you mean.   Off my boxes my plugs have 3 outlets for each channel, and I branch off from there.

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Your power supply cord could be something as simple as spt1 wire with in-line vampire receptacles.  They're perfectly safe if you don't exceed the limit for that wire (7 amps) AND if you're careful to keep your polarity correct when you install the in-line receptacles.

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Welcome to the forum of great people and knowledge.


I just wanted to say that it's great to hear you are trying this and trying that on your sequencing. You're putting out the efforts to listin and learn.

And this late in the game.

I thinks it terrific you're wanting to figure it out.

My hat is off to you.



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Thank you, Tom.. I truly have learned by watching youtube videos (any you know of that might help would be appreciated).  I started a couple of years ago with a unit that did it for me.  I am drawing a blank on what it is called.  Just plug lights in to one of the six outlets and there you go.  I got somewhat bored with that and that is how I arrived here.  I did a 16 channel sequence to "light it up" for the 4th of July and while it's not perfect, I learned a lot by doing it.  Living in a cold area, I put up my lights early and just have not powered them.  I just have a few fixtures and inflatables to put in the yard.  My "plan" was to get all of that done early and be able to work on the sequencing once it got colder.  I will have a fun display and the kids will enjoy it, but it definitely won't be my ultimate show.  I am open to any suggestions or tips if you have them.




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You're already doing the biggest tip, and that's sequencing, learning the how to's. Asking for direction when there is a bump in the road. Tackling the LOR beast.

You don't have to have a huge altimate display for kids to enjoy it or to have a fun display.


Maybe it was the Mr. Christmas package deal you were referring to. Those came out after I started in on LOR (if I remember correctly) so I never messed with it. But I probably would have if I didn't know about LOR systems back then.


Anyway, it sounds like your on the right track with the right attitude. It won't be long and you'll master it and be expanding your display beyond what you think today.


Remember one thing, "If you're not having fun... You're doing it wrong" :)


Keep up the great trek to a wonderful hobbie and a wonderful display and those kids/families will be smiling from ear to ear.



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As I mentioned to another poster, I am really good with a jigsaw and paint (thank you Dad), but the electrical/programming is a bit of a challenge.  We are all having fun, but I have learned not to let my 3 year old paint as she doesn't stay in the lines very well.. My 5 year old operates the drill when we put stuff together and we all pick songs we like.  It has become an obsession, not just for me, but my kids too. 


I just thought of another thing I have trouble with.. Copying and pasting sections of my sequence.  It started when I try to copy out by doing an "all on" when I hit the copy button, but then I back out of that and it gives me a "copyable" section with the sequence I have created.  But then to the timing thing, they don't always match even if the music is the same...Is there a way I could  a"override" the timings in one part of a song and copy a complete sequence with timings and all? 

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Hi Roberta,


Welcome to the addiction, er uh hobby! :P


Not exactly sure what you mean in your copy/paste question but any element you create can be copied and pasted where you want within the sequence. If you move the timing marks around the pasted effect probably won't line up in the pasted area. Copy and paste is very helpful especially in chase sequences. If you have a chase and want to repeat it exactly you just copy and paste and it will always look the same in length of the effect and number of channels within the chase.

As for copying the timing marks along with effects you may want to do a forum search for "tracks" as there are several postings about that. There is a member on here by the name of Don and he is very knowledgeable about the use of tracks. One piece of advise I can give is since your doing your own sequencing you'll probably want to have the advance license as you may want to do something someone suggests to you but may not be able to do unless you have the advance license. I learned that a few years ago.


Good luck and again, welcome!




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Thanks for the input.  I have no clue which license I have.  Any idea where I could locate this information?  And you had to bring up the chase feature that frustrates me so..... :) :) As far as chase sequences go, I have not been able to figure out how to do them without following my timing grids. I would like to just have a chase and it be consistent all the way through, but what I get is like 1, 1, 1, 1.2, 1.1, 1, 1, 1.3, 1.1, 1,1 (just an example as far as length of each channel)..... if that makes sense.  I don't know if this is because I am using beat wizard and not just using a fixed grid throughout the sequence?? 





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The chase should be evenly uniform from start to finish no matter how the timing marks are.

Maybe explain what you are doing/clicking and such so we can maybe see something going on.

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Ok, so I tried to do this again and I think where I was messing up was I was using a grid with many different timings (beat wizard or tapper).  What do you guys use? Always a fixed grid? Or mix in a fixed grid here and there? (I don't even know if you can do this by the way, but I think it is possible) I did a "dummy" song and used channels 1-4 and did a chase through the first 4 timing blocks.  Then I copied and selected "paste multiple" through the end of the song... So I am thinking if I wanted to just chase through a specific section I could paste x14 or x18 or whatever fills in that section?  Is this right?  Or is there a better way to do this?  Also is there a way to keep a fixed grid on specific channels and do a beat wizard grid on the remaining channels?  Maybe these are really basic questions, but still so new to me.. I apologize if I sound like a total idiot.. Just trying to figure it all out. 



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Ok, so I must have been doing something really wrong because I just tried it in a song with many different length timings and it worked properly.  Thanks. I have learned a lot today.  Can't wait to share my display with you all.  Any advice on the best way/player to upload a video?

Edited by seriouslylosingit
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As for the license level if you look in the upper left corner of the Sequence Editor it will say Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor then the version of software you are running something like 3.11.2 then right after those numbers it'll say Basic, Basic Plus, Advanced etc. This is where your license level is found.


As Tom mentioned before a chase is usually evenly uniform and not necessary to follow the timming marks unless you you have a section of song that has heavy beats and you want a channel to hit on each timming beat. There is a chase tool in the upper right tool bar of the Sequence Editor. It looks like three ramps that are colored yellow to red. Chuck Smith from Planet Christmas caled this tool "Three sheets to the wind" in his classes. To use this create an effect (doesn't matter if it's just one timming cell or not) then click the chase tool then click and drag over the effect and down or up the number of channels and length of time you want the chase to be. The editor will automatically populate the entire area selected with an evenly spaced chase. Sorry I can't help with the video question. I would search the forums I think I remember seeing a post about it and what people are using to capture video from their screens.


Hope this helps.




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