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LOR and Motors


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I have never had anything animated by motor in my displays in previous years. This year, I have two wire frame soldiers with motors to move the arms. Tonight, I finally got all my controllers connected and was testing to make sure I had all the channels configured properly when the light bulb (LOR lightbulb?) went on. I remember reading something on PC about not using LOR to control motors. Should I disconnect the motors from the wireframes? Do they have an adverse affect on the LOR cards? Also, I bought four inflatables for this year's show? I was planning to control them with LOR, but what about the blowers? I could rewire just to control the lights, but was planning to let LOR turn on the blowers too. Seems to me (I'm really tired after working on this since 3:30 this morning and my brain is pretty well shut down) that this is a No-No also.

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I'm not sure if I was involved with that posting but I had some questions about running motors this summer. What I did is got some SSR to carry the higher voltage and any back feed voltage the motor may create. It worked great


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I have two inflateables in my display this year, what i found out i had to do with both of my inflateables which only have one cord for the fan and lights, I had to split where the cord for the lights ran to the blower and attach a male receptcle. And i have one channel dedicated to just the blowers for the inflatebles, which i have running the whole show, and different channels for both lights. So far i have had no adverse effect with LOR and operating the blowers, both blowers for the iflateables only generate about 1.5 amps. I hope this helps your situation.

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I would use a 120volt relay to control the blowers. Let lor turn the relay on (along with a light bulb, this will keep the relay from buzzing) Then the current of the blowers will travel through the relay only.

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I resolved the issue by using a photo sensor to turn the blowers on independently of LOR. LOR then controls the lights in them. The photo sensor/timer will shut the blowers off after five hours -- after the show has ended.

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