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Leaping Arches Sequence help


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I am adding two Leaping Arches to my show this year and didn't think the secuenceing of Arches would be that hard.  I'm having some difficulty knowing the timing of the leaping part to the music and getting the speed of the wave just right.  Could someone give me some tips on how to achieve the right movement or timing of the lights. 


On a side note, should the arches be 8 channels or 7?  I've seen some people using the 7 channel method and they still look good.  is there any advantage of having 7 channels as opposed to 8?


If someone is willing to mabe send me some examples of arch sequences that might help too in figureing out just the right movements.   comopr2@satx.rr.com


Thanks for any help given.




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There are some very good tutorials there. 


Thats where I figured out most. a lot of just playing with it and going with your music until you like it. Not something that you should be expecting in master in 5 minutes. a lot of different possibilities and diff ways and things you can try with the archs,.


also there are a lot of info on u tube just run search for Light o Rama and lor, LOR  leaping archs etc. 


also just look at a lot of others seq and see how they did it and get ideas from there. just depends on how they are running ... r to left, left to right 8 channel 7 or 6 channel... fading etc. 

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I used 7, it allows one channel to be directly at the apex of the arch.  As far as sequencing.  Have the arch start at the beginning of the note, and have it stop at the end of the note.  If the song has a "drop" like sound (think a water drip), then make sure the arch stops at that not.  Use the chase function, [H if you use the keyboard], and I found using the fade up or fade down gave it the best effect.  I did some trial runs this past Sunday with my display and was very happy with how the arches came out.  I wasn't sure if it'd look good, but I'm not disappointed.  The few people I showed at work thought it looked really cool.  Good luck.

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Some of the guys and gals here have been really generous and have shared their sequences with the group. I have been opening those up in the Sequence Editor, watching the animations, and then going into the sequences to see what the sequencing looks like. 



it's been cool to see how different people have different techniques they tend to lean on when they do their arches. I've found a few things look good for one style of song, but then a different type of leap work better for others.


I haven't seen the tutorials (can't wait to watch them now and see the official way to do this), but what I've been doing is putting down the building blocks of how I want the beginning of the leap to appear, deciding where in the music I want that leap to end, and then using the chase button (or H on your keyboard) to fill in the rest for me and space it out.



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As Zing mentioned the 7 channel arch allows for a single channel to remain at the apex of the arch.  Can create a cool effect cascading the other channels down each side of the arch.  Just my preference of 7 over 8 on an arch.

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5 Channels has worked fantastic for me for the past 4 years.  I used 5, because a set of 100 LEDs fit perfectly on 1 removable (2 ft) section and the 10 ft pipe only holds 5 sections.  Besides no one will really see a difference between 5 and 7 section arches.  I use the other free channels for additional display items.


Others will debate, but having an odd number of channels gives you that top of the arch look.    BTW I use my arches as both arches and/or fire sticks.   This year they are fire sticks at the corners of my house.


Matt has a good example in his screen shot for programming them.

Edited by Liberty-Laser
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Mine are 50 RGB channels per arch.  I have 50 Cosmic Color Pixels per arch.  The segments are small enough that having 2 on at the top is not an issue at all.

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