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54ft of RGB strips ok


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For next season, will be running RGB strips along 24ft eves. But for ease of installtion/take down, I will be break these 24ft run into three, 8ft sections. This will not be just 1 strip the 24ft length, but 4 parallet strips that will be a few inches each apart and mounted to corrugated plastics....thus the easy install reasoning.

I will be using 30 led/meter RGB strips (36w) and planned to have male/females connectors to connect the 3 8ft sections together once installed

Just wondering if there is any merit in not powering this as one 24ft suction but maybe breaking it into a 16 and 8ft sections? Each of the 4 parellet strips will be on separate RGB channels Stiks in my mond that you can connect a max of 2 of the 36w strips together with no issue?

By my calculationm 24ft of the strips would be 54w or 4.5 amps, which a cmb24d can handle. My unserstanding of the cmb24 is 4amp/channels and 60amp over the two banks of channels.

So just have a connected 24ft run or break it into 2 runs?


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I power 30 led per meter at 41' and it's just a bit too long, like 10'  I need to add some power injection at the end because white is not consistent throughout the full length.


Going  24' will be no issue unless your line to the first strip is also long, you end up with voltage drop on those long runs, normally the amps is not the real issue.


12v is what I am using.

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You might be pushing the limits on data integrity with the long lead before the first pixel.  Some controllers are better than others at long first pixel distances.  I would test it on the house with some complex patterns you would recognize not being correct before I was comfortable it will perform during the show as you expect.

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