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what color should i make my windows and arches?


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Roof line is multi, blue and white icecicles, cool white in 6 oaks in front of house,cool white holdman star on roof, red white and blue mega, 8 white minis make up most of the display

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Windows should be fine with muti. Arches are usually look better in a solid color I'm my opinion, mine have been solid white and are now solid red.

I'm sure it will turn out good either way you like it.

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my roof is red, white, blue and green ( so I can leave my rope lights up and use for other things to. tree line along fence on side or yard is also red, white, blue and green to match the roof line as my display is between the house and fence/wall where the tree line is.


My arch's 2 (8) channels each but connected to another set of two on the same channel  but turned opposite so when one goes to the right the opposite on goes to the left, on the other side of the yard (also multi color), 8 mini trees multicolor, Mega tree is 16 channel and alternate multi color and blue, also using white/clear deer, red/white (10 lining walkway) candy canes on one channel, a two channel mega star multi color and blue,


basically I used most of what I had available and could afford this year as it is my first year. Next year may be different depending on how I like it this year. Main thing, have fun with it.. its yours and you can always change it later on after prices for lights etc. go on sale.

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Yeah, i went over my list of what i had "in stock" and i have enough cool white to do 4 arches and i already put multi c7's on the windows.

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You have to upload it to a host site like YouTube (you'll have to create an account) and then its just as simple as coping and paste the link as a post here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cool.... I plan on testing mine before Friday and will try to post a shot of it..   its also my first LOR Christmas year... and i Just got 48 channels working. Thanks WOW Lights for sending my controller fast.. 

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