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E1.31 Pixel Tree xLights Issue

Caleb Linburg

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I set up my pixel tree and it looks like everything is working great in the Savdevices IP page. I can do test patterns and the whole tree does the correct thing. I went to test using xLights/Nutcracker and I am getting different results. My setup uses 10 strings of 50 ws2811 bulbs. In sandevices, I have it setup to 4 universes (I think ending at 90 above the previous). If I set up lights as 10 universes ending at 512 each, The whole tree works but the colors are crazy. The patterns do work correctly though. I tried various xLights E1.31 config ways to get it to work, but I got different results each time. Does anyone know the proper way to set this up? I have searched all over the internet but could not find an answer. I will try to post screenshots and photos of the tree tonight. 

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Is your LOR Control panel unloaded? If it is on you will get a light show like you wouldn't believe.

Yeah, I dont use it at all on that laptop. Just setting up with xLights to test the tree.

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..Universe 1  - 510  Universe 2 - 510  Universe 3 = 470  for the last channel

1-150    151-300    301-450    451-90     91-240    241-390     391-30    31-180    181-330  331-480

on xlights, if you are using the Mega Tree model...you tell it where the first string starts, with the starting channel...1 bottom left, no up and down. etc...

I don't have the software in front of me..but that's the gist...for the Tree, you don't need to have each strings starting number, just the first one, and the number of strings, and the number of nodes.

When you start zig sagging, i.e.  have 24 strings of 120 nodes, which zig zag every 60 nodes...its a little different set up.


So now, Sandevices, Are you using a 682?:  Are you using just the first 2 and half cluster   4-4-2 or are you doing 3-3-2-2? 

Cluster 1  Universe 1  starts at channel 1 and would end with Universe 2 channel 90. Cluster 2 starts with Universe 2 channel 91 and ends Universe 3 Channel 180 and Universe 3 Starts with channel 181 ending with channel 480

that's for a 4-4 -2 set up using the first 3 clusters.


 Does this make sense?  

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In x-lights if you have 10 universes in universe 1 your first channel is 1 your last channel is 512 in universe 2 your start channel is 513 and last channel is 1024 your last channel in universe 10 would be 5120

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In x-lights if you have 10 universes in universe 1 your first channel is 1 your last channel is 512 in universe 2 your start channel is 513 and last channel is 1024 your last channel in universe 10 would be 5120

Set the universes to 510, you will thank me , and whomever told me that last year, it alleviated alot of issues with trying to sync up with 682's and crossing universes. I was pulling my hair out until that little bit of wisdom was imparted upon me...

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This fixed it! Thanks so much! My tree looks great now. So glad to have this all figured out. Will be sure to give this advice to others. 

I had the same problem last year and that is all it was.

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