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CCP Help Please


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Finally finished building my 4 pixel arches using 1 set of CCP's and hooked them up tonight to test. When I hooked up the power I had one set of CCP's light just the one bulb nearest the controller in White, while the bulb nearest the controller on the other set flashed green. I could not get them to work using the sequence editor. I have the control lights option checked.

I fired up the hardware utility to make sure that the controller could be seen by my computer and it found it but when I tried to test the lights that did not work either. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting the power.


Any ideas?



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Did you separate the micro channels in your channel config? 

Edited by 75redman
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What happens when you  run the test pattern by disconnecting power, pressing the test button in the controller and than plug in the controller while holding the button ?

Did you set them up as two consecutive ID's?



Edited by steve synek
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 What level of software do you have? I think Basic plus requires you to use no higher than 03 and 04 unit id's.        Did you run the controller test? 



Edited by steve synek
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 What level of software do you have? I think Basic plus requires you to use no higher than 03 and 04 unit id's.        Did you run the controller test? 



I have the latest and greatest advanced level software with a superstar license for 4 ccr's.


Do you know where the documentation is for the controller test and the also the location of the test button?



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Do you have them set up as 2 Unit IDs in the same box? For example, String 1 would be Unit ID # 1 and string 2 would be Unit ID #2. If not, you'll need to do that and that should fix your problem.


If I failed to mention that in the video, let me know and I'll do another one.




I just downloaded the test sequence and everything looks properly formatted.


Try swapping strings on the outputs and see if it might be a bad string. If the good string works on both outputs, and if the non working string behaves the same way on both outputs, then it may be a pixel string issue. If the good strings works on 1 output and behaves strangely on the other output, then it may be a controller issue. The connectors are completely connected, right, in as far as they will go?


If none of that works, then check to make sure the RS485 is hooked up to the right usb and the Comm port is the same as what's set up in the network properties.


Other than that, I'm quite lost.


Let me know and we'll try and hash it out.

Edited by Ron Boyd
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The test button is also identified as the reset button in the manual- I think page #19 

I wish I was as good as Ron and knew how to post a picture here.  Every time I try I get the error file is to big.



Users Manuals at the top of this page..........look at the first listing under RGB.



Edited by steve synek
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I got he user manual...thanks Steve. I am going to try the test button when I get home from work in a couple of hours.



I used the hardware utility last night to make sure that the correct port was identified (running on com port #3). Pretty sure I had the plugs all the way in, the screw on caps tightened all the way down without effort.

Will update you when I have tried all Steve's and your suggestions.


Thanks guys!

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Ok....so I tried the reset button as suggested and this worked and holding it in after powering up I was able to see test patterns running on both strings, however I still must have a setting wrong somewhere as when i tried to run my sequence only 1 string followed the sequence, the other stayed off?


I followed the instructions from the manual regarding hardware set up and followed Ron's video instructions on adding the device to the sequence editor.


Any ideas?

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 I haven't done this recently, but are you sure you check something along the lines of "dual normal" or  use consecutive unit Id's when setting the IDs in the hardware utility?

I will go add the address to one of mine and get back to you. 

  To me it does sound like you missed something setting the id's.



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Steve I downloaded his test sequence. The sequence editor is right. It may be in the setup. The other Steve, Can you get a screen grab of the lor network preferences and post it?

Edited by Ron Boyd
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I just set my CCP's to your Ids and ran the sequence. Everything ran just fine. So it's not the programming.


Ron..........what's the chance we would both respond in the same minute in time!!!!!!

Edited by steve synek
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On page 11 of the manual it shows the hardware utility set up page, the only part that isn't clear is the way they talk about the number of "end to end" strings. Should this be 2? Not really end to end are they?

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Thats the way I have it currently......will take screen shots of all pages tomorrow, maybe that will help?

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