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Adding Pixels as RGB channels

Robert Burton

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I am adding a pixel tree to my display this year. It is going to be 24 strings with 40 pixels per tree. About 10ft tall and is going to be a 180 degree tree.


I understand how to add multiple RGB channels and group these. However to name all 960 RGB channels would be a little time consuming ;-)  Also in fixing all of the channels on the proper channels...again a little time consuming.


I am sure that there is a easier way to do this. Is it to use Bob's software to do this or what?


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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But I will ask again. Even using Bob's software, how can you tell it to say start on Universe 4, channel 1 and continue on with the channel numbering? I was able to import from Vegomatic. But the numbering would have to be done by hand...or am I doing something wrong?

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Vegomatic lets you start with any universe and any pixel in it.   It creates the config with all the circuit numbers set.    Please post a picture or provide more detail of what you are trying to do. 

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  • 1 month later...

Ran into a problem with strips today.

I used begin attic to create me list of RGB channels for LOR s3. Problem is my strips are wired GRB and not RGB. Is there a way to change this in vegomatic so that the channels export correctly?

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