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Sequence Sharing ... Best Practices...


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I wanted to see what y'all think about sharing sequences... There is a post on another forum about this topic, but what I am looking for is, What do you find to be the best way to share ?  I see very generous folks on here who post what they have and then dozens of enthusiasts ask for a copy, which are then e-mailed seperately. This can be very cumbersome and time consuming.   As I don't currently have a website, I am looking into the following, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and also a USB drive connected directly to my router for sharing.  Perhaps even a community sharing site.  I know there are others out there, but there is no easy way to add files to them etc. 


Now I don't have nearly the setups that many of you have, I don't even have RGB yet... ("sheesh").  More due to time constraints than anything.  However last year I had 64 Channels with some channels replicated on other elements which worked out well for me. 

This year I am adding another 128 channels including the HC singing trees, to the already 4 arches, 8 RGBW mini's, etc.  Some of them I have edited the songs for time, etc., but that should not be a problem...


I found that when I started out on this venture 3 years ago from scratch, the only  way to make sense of things was to build off of what others had done, and for that I am greatful.  If it were not for the generosity of others, I probably would have given up.  Especially learning how to do special effects, chases, etc. that looked decent.  So I want to share what I have done, so that others can benefit and perhaps, help them make others happy as I have been blessed to be able to do. 



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Most people supply email with there song to share and people email you directly.

put in a folder zip it and email.

If you dont know how to zip use 7zip its free and easy to use.

right click the folder and goto 7zip and archive to folder.

Hope this helps.


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Most people supply email with there song to share and people email you directly.

put in a folder zip it and email.

If you dont know how to zip use 7zip its free and easy to use.

right click the folder and goto 7zip and archive to folder.

Hope this helps.


Thanks Matt.  I understand what you're saying.  I guess in the end, I am trying to find the best way to share without having to individually email... but it seems that that is the most simple solution... I know you have your DP account... Is this easy to maintain and use to share in general ? 


Thanks again... You rock with the faces .....

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Hey Carl, this is my first year and thanks to people like you who are willing to share I have just completed putting together my first show.  I have been working on this since last February and have learned a GREAT deal in adapting sequences to fit my display.  I just wanted to axknowlege you for being a kind person who is willing to share what they have done.  Have a wonderful holiday season and keep in the spirit of giving!



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Thanks Marc-Anthony... I will try to get some out very soon.... I have always ascribed to the concept of pay-it-forward...

If one person can get joy out of my display, then it is worth it. 

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