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Did I do this right?

Al Saunders

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Good morning All,


I'm using Superstar to sequence a 16X50 pixel matrix that will be folded/spaced at top between 25 & 26 pixel to form a 32X25 grid. I used Ron Boyd's procedure of setting up a CCR tree in Visualizer then imported it into SS. Then used that to see the effects in SS. I just did a short test sequence and exported it into Sequence Editor. I degrouped the CCR's and deleted the macro channels. I had set up a DMX channel config using Vegmatic and imported it and when I imported that DMX channel config it openned a new sequence with all the DMX channels from the Vegomatic config and had all the effects already in it. I thought I had to copy and paste from the CCR channel group to the DMX channel group. I have not hooked up the hardware yet but tomorrow afternoon/evening I will be connecting an e682 and the 16 pixel strings from Seasonal Entertainment. I have played both the CCR sequence and the DMX sequence and at least on the software side it appears to work like it should. Did I miss something or did I set this up correctly? This is my first time using DMX of any kind so just want to make sure and get everything working properly. I appreaciate any input.





ps. When I set up the DMX config in Vegomatic I must have entered the last channel per universe as 510 or it knows it because I double checked and universe 1 stops at #510 and universe 2 starts at #1.

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Don't forget to plug in your LOR  USB 485 even if you are not going to have any lor controllers running and check to see that the control lights  box is check and stays on.  Run the sequence through the LOR controller panel and assure no error messages in the listener. 

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Thanks Jerrymac.


Is this required if I am running the e682 directly from my network port? I am not using any network switch or router nor any USB connection. Just connecting a cat5 cable from laptop to e682. I checked the SE on the DMX channel config and the control lights was NOT checked so I changed that.

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If your network preferences has ANY LOR networks configured (even if you're not using them), you will need to have a LOR adapter connected or else "Control Lights" won't stay checked.

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LOR has a specific set of instructions available if you are running E1.31 and no RS485/USB network. So yes, you can run without the adapter but find the exact info from them for doing this.

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Thanks for the help guys. I plan to set everything up this evening and try it out. I am doing a project that will not have any LOR controllers hooked up but will incorporate the pixel system into my normal Christmas show next year. So for this project it'll just be the e682 controller. I saw the instructions from Dev. Mike in the E1.31 section and if I run into trouble I'll follow his instructions.




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