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What countries other than the USA leads your list of most visits or views?


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I have my website kevinkolak.com linked  to VIMEO. They give lots of stats with one of them being geographical. After 10 months I find it amazing with all the strife in the middle east that the foreign country with the most views of my videos is Israel. The second is United Kingdom and then the 3rd is Canada. 16 total foreign countries have viewed what I posted. How about other forum users.....what do your geo stats show? 

Edited by Archer
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Since I posted the above yesterday, another country has joined my list.....Switzerland is now the 17th country to have somebody view my videos!  

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The top 5 countries including the USA are 96% of the plays.  But still there are 51 countries listed most with under 10 or just a few plays.  

Israel is #4 by loads at 72 but has no plays at all.    I believe there are some major web bot companies in israel which archive and search links in web pages.

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51 countries is impressive!!!


Yes most of my countries are 10 plays/loads or under also. I have been a Vimeo member for 10 months. Are the statistics you quoted above for 2014 only or do they span several years?

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