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Tutorial: Bring your sound file, get it back as a sequence. sep 4th. 7pm MS


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Tutorial: Sep 4th 7pm MST, 9pm EST


Nutcracker Tutorial Topic: we will go through the process of getting a sound file marked up with labels (audacity)

we will then import your LOR/Vixen sequence and then do the first pass of creating a sequence.


We have done this before, The difference? I will be doing this with your sound files on your machines.

each song we sequence we will upload to the common sequence sharing directory (did i forget to mention this directory to you all ?)


we will then do the next person in queue.

I would prefer to do songs that have not been reduced in size yet, i also would like songs that you have manually marked up since that makes better sequences.,


My goal is to repeat this process with multiple people and get people used to the process.


so if you have a song you have not sequenced yet

send your name and forum name to sean@meighan.net



name of song:

link to song:

have you created a label file?

did you manually mark up file?


i would ask you all download the latest xl/nc code.

also have xl launched

have audacity launched with your soundfile showing


i will select from the people to get a sequence out


remember teamviewer only allows 20 people.


When: Thursday, Sep 4th. 7pm MST, 9pm EST


We will be using teamviewer. Ill start session at 6:45pm MST


Please join the meeting, by clicking on this link:


Meeting ID: m93-271-823


If you have a microphone, click on the "Voice over IP" on the Teamviewer menu and unmute your headphone to be able to ask questions.




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we had some issues with teamview in tonights tutorial. I got booted off and had to reboot my machine to get back in. this means there are two recordings. parta, partb. the first is 30 minutes long, the second 1 hr.   Parta: https://vimeo.com/105318149,                                                       Partb:

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