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Assign Universes in Superstar?


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Is there not a way to assign non LOR CCR's a universe ID in the Superstar Sequencer as opposed to Networks of Aux A, B, C etc.?


I see where you can do it thru the regular Sequence Editor and export that to Superstar...but I don't have any of my CCR Tree RGB Channels in my Sequence Editor since I load all my CCR Tree Superstar Sequences as a sub-sequence.

Edited by jimswinder
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If you're using Non-LOR Pixels, you'll need to have a visualizer file of the element with the DMX Universes and import the .lee file into SS. when you export the sequence, it will export normal channels that you'll need to change to RGB. The channel assignments will be correct though, the way you have them set up in the viz..

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Also, in the next release of S3 the visualizer will support DMX RGB strings. You can then assign Universe and channels to the strings in the visualizer and import them into SuperStar.

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So why not make it so you can assign them in the Superstar Sequencer?


Why the visualizer? What if there are those of us that don't put our CCR' Trees in a visualizer?


Oh well...back tho the Visualizer I guess...  LOL

Edited by jimswinder
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Currently in SuperStar there are 2 modes CCR mode and Visualization mode. In CCR mode the code assumes you are using CCRs and thus can always take the length of a string to be 50 pixels.


It would indeed be a desirable feature to be able to use non-LOR lights when in CCR mode, but it would take a lot of code development because I could no longer assume strings are 50 pixels. So instead, I have chosen to support non-LOR lights using visualizations. In the visualization you can specify any string length and you can also specify any layout or any shape of the string that you want. In CCR mode in SuperStar you are limited to straight strings, arches, circles and stars.

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Will there still be a single line 200 pixel limit?  My gutter line is 320 pixels and SS breaks the line into 2 segments.  Ive got a high resolution monitor and could easily fit all 320 pixels in a single line and still see what I'm doing in SS.


Maybe let us choose resolution for SS in the next Next release?



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I know we're off topic here......

I'm glad you asked Brian.  Wishful thinking without regard to fact on my part, so I took a closer look at what I'm doing here...... 

I have 250 pixels loaded into SS, even though I have 320 installed on my gutter line.  I'm patiently waiting to see if the SE update with nutcracker will help sequence the entire gutter line as a single fixture.

I'm running 1920x1080 - the highest possible on my current 24" monitor.  At that resolution, I can easily pick single pixels in SS.

The longest segment from my gutter line represented in SS is 150 pixels.  Looks like I have enough room for another 100 across the screen.  Because the 250 pixels line is broken into 2 segments (150 + 100), seamless morphs back and forth are tedious, and Instant sequencer treats both segments independently.

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Increasing the row size is easy, but I need to get a larger monitor so I can test making it use all the space the higher resolution has. I expect that right now SuperStar never uses all of the screen space that you have.

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I don't know how much work that's involved, but it would be nice to be able to adjust the visualizer section during playback of a Superstar sequence

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Adjust it in what way? Do you mean to have the visualization to get bigger and take up more of the screen during playback?

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I put support for 1920x1080 and 2400x1600 resolution into SuperStar. I also increased the max length of the sequencing grid from 200 to 360. The reason I did not go higher than 360 is because if I do and you use a low resolution the grid becomes all green and has no space between the grid lines and becomes unusable.


Robocrash, can you test the changes for me? To get the new code, do the following:


1) Shut down SuperStar

2) Look for SSEdit.exe. It will be in one of the following two places:

c:\Program Files\Light-O-Rama\SSEdit.exe
c:\Program Files (x86)\Light-O-Rama\SSEdit.exe

3) Rename it to something like SSEdit_original.exe

4) Use the link below to get the new SSEdit.exe and copy it to the same place where you renamed the original SSEdit.exe


5) Launch SuperStar. If you have done everything correctly, it will say v0.1409.3 in the title bar in the upper left of the program.


6) You should now be able to set max length to a value higher than 200. The highest you can set is 360.

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I gave it a try Brian, just for the fun of it. With all of my 1,420 smart pixels and 24 dumb rgb's.  It might look better for someone that doesn't have a ton on pixels.  (LOL)
I'm using a 37" Samsung tv as my PC monitor with the resolution set at 1920 x 1080.  I set sequencing grid first at 100, then 200, and last 300. You will be able to see the effect with all three pic.

(100 Res).......  

(200 Res).......  200res_zpsefd1c3c2.jpg

(300 Res)........  300Res_zps1d6fd331.jpg

Edited by NkySpike65
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Hi Brian,

Terrific!  That's exactly what I needed.  And I really like the ability to view at different resolutions so that I can find my best workable view.


But, it raised a second problem (shocker!)  Instant sequence tool still has a limit of 250 pixels for morphs.  The error message reads:


Error:  morphElementsSize of 250 limit exceeded

The length of the morph will be truncated to 250 pixels


I hope the element size is as easy to adjust as the sequencing grid length.

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Before, the highest resolution supported was 1680x1050. You are running 1920x1080 and that is now supported. The advantage that the new version gives is that when you run 1920x1080 it will now allow the grid to use all 1920x1080 pixels on your screen. Before it was using 1680x1050. This means it can now use 240 more screen pixels on the right side, and 30 more screen pixels at the bottom. In the cases shown in the screen shots, the length of the sequencing grid is going in the up-down direction, and so it just gives you 30 more screen pixels to work with.


If the visualization is imported "Horizontal" then when you use a sequencing grid length of 300 it will go in the left-right direction and it will be able to use the 1920 screen pixels. However, with your visualization there are so many rows, that if you import it "Horizontal" the visualization probably gets real tiny because there are so many rows. But you might try it.


The support of the 1920x1080 resolution will make a bigger difference for visualizations that have some very long rows but not a lot of rows. Because in that case you can import the visualization "Horizontal" and there is still ample room for the visualization. In other words, it should help folks like Robocrash that has some long sequencing rows but not so many total pixels.


Also, with a 37" monitor, are you able to run in "2400x1600" resolution? If so, I would like to see how that looks in your case.

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