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trade 2 elor + 1 E6804 for 1 IDMX-1000 in Europe?


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Hello all, especially in Europe,



I have two Elor, three weeks now, and they give me great headache while using them.


So I am at the point of trading them for one  IDMX-1000!!


The deal might be :   2 x  ELOR and 1 E6804    equals 1    IDMX-1000 


As I am in The Netherlands it would be nice if someone is not that far away. E.g. Belgium, Germany, UK.   But US is possible, takes a little more freight cost though.


Anyone interested?



Dick de Wit

The Netherlands


Edited by Trickyd
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Dick!   Say it ain't so..


Why are you still having issues I wonder?    I had absolutely no problems with mine.. There has to be something simple that is being over looked..


Did Jim try to help you?   


Oh man.. I am so sorry you are at this point.. the eLORs are a proven unit...  you should not be having issues.. but you know that already I think..


Can I help?   I don't want to trade because I don't need any more hardware, but I would love to help if I can.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Dick,

I have a question with regards to your equipment... Were the ELOR and E6804 assembled by SanDevices, or did you buy the kits and make the boards yourself? 


I have a iDMX1000 that was never used in my display and might be willing to do the trade you are offering.  My concern is shipping cost to you.


Let me know. I can send you a pic of the iDMX1000... it is in excellent condition.

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