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How to create a sequence that uses RGB (sandevices) and 16 ch LOR controlle


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Planning to add my E682 from sandevices to my regulars Halloween sequences from last year that uses 2 16 ch controllers.

Do I need to create the ccr seq on SS then import it to SE into my Halloween seq or in SE can I create the RGB ch that I need per ccr into my Halloween seq and program it?

I don't have experience using booth options at the same time (RGB and 16 ch controllers) only one of other, so thanks in advance.

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Since you mention an E682, I assume you are talking smart pixels (each pixel individually controlled) rather than using dumb pixels (all pixels in the strip are controlled as a group). To set up RGB channels in SE, you just create a new channel like you would with LOR controllers, but choose RGB as the type. It will create an RGB channel that when expanded is actuially three seperate channels (one each for red, green, and blue). You will need to setup your SE channel config if you are going to program them directly in SE, or if you are going to use SS. If you want to use SS to sequence, you would export your sequence from SS and import into the already-configured channels in SE. The tutorials on the LOR website help in understanding all of this...make sure and go through all of them as they will get you started on the right foot with your setup and sequencing.


Check our Bob O's tool vegomatic....it automates the setup of multiple RGB channels in SE and is definitely preferred over manually configuring each channel by hand. Do a forum search on vegomatic for info.


Best of luck,


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I can vouch for Vegomatic..I was adding the channel's manually until Jeff Messer  helped me and showed me how to use the vegomatic tool. Not only is it faster but it does it correctly. Here is the link to the tool.


Edited by ezimnow
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