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Ok guys starting to try out this RGB thing. I have the LOR Advanced software, Enttec Pro dongle, Holiday coro 27 channel DMX controller and Power supply. I can't for the life of me get all of them to work. I truley dont understand the DIP switch thing, I can add the RBG in the sequence editor, i set it up in network pref, everything looks right but nothing happens. I need a RGB for dummis paint by numbers book with pictures and lines drawn on how it works!!!!!

Any help or guidance would be great!!

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Have you checked out the HolidayCoro Knowledge Base? It has many helpful Tips and Tutorials.
Knowledge Base Home: http://www.holidaycoro.com/kb_results.asp
Here are a few helpful HolidayCoro KB articles that may relate to your troubles.


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here is my setup, LOR advanced v3.11.2, usb cable to Holidaycoro Actidongle #53/V2 Enttec Pro compatible, to Holidaycoro #24(V2) 27 channel DMX controller hooked up to a Holidaycoro Item#49 12dc/350watt power supply. when i plug in the dongle, the yellow light stays on and the green light blinks. then i go to network pref. and select DMX, the adapter is there so i select it and change the the protocol to Enttec DMX usb proand hit ok. The i insert RGB channels, change the device type to DMX, Netowrk is universe 1, and circuit is 1,2,3. I plug the cat5 into the dongle and into the controller, the red light on the controller goes from a solid red to blinking red when cat 5 plugged in. In the sequence editor i turn on the rgb channel, turn Play Lights on in the menu, hit play and nothing. No lights. The DIP switch is set to #1 on and all the rest off.

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To control dmx lights, you must have standard LOR dongle plugged in too. You must have LOR control panel on. You must not have shows running or started. Control lights needs to stay on when you run a sequence. Start the sequence and check.

You must have your entec dongle setup to the correct com port. In sequence editor in the bottom right there is a dot. It is either blue or orange. Blue is good communication, orange is bad.

You must have your RGB channel setup in LOR sw to the correct universe channel.

Your 27 channel controller must be setup to the correct channel. It must be connected to the dongle with the correct dmx signal cable. Meaning, you must have the cable data setup proper. How have you connected to the card? Through the xlr jack or did you solder a cat 5 cable to the dmx pads? If you soldered did you put the orange and orange/white on the correct pads? Also, are you using the holiday coro dongle? The xlr jack on some of these dongles are not working but the cat 5 jack does.

You can run your lights in test mode off that card to test proper power and RGB lights configuration. If you get lights working using test mode on the card then work towards communications to the LOR sw.

Let us know if your test mode works on that 27 channel card. Also tell us if you have orange or blue in the lower right of sequence editor.

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My "Control Lights" option always comes unchecked.  After I start the sequence playing, I have to click on "Play" and again click on "Control Lights". 

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Do you have Hardware Utility open?  You can't control lights in sequence editor if HU is open.  Also need to 'control lights' before starting the sequence, if it continues to uncheck control lights,  the software sees a conflict, usually HU.  Are you using 2 dongles, one for LOR and the other for DMX?  Are they setup correctly in Network Preferences?

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If the control lights keeps coming off, there are a couple of things to check.  1st make sure your lor usb 485 is plugged in (even if there are no controllers plugged in).  check the listener DOS window.  you should NOT see any errors at the end of the list.  After powered up unplug and the re-connect the enttec pro (this will force it to break any background connection and become available to LOR.

Here is the link for setting the dip switch's  www.holidaycoro.com/kb_results,asp?ID=88   .Just enter the starting address you want and the screen will show the switch setting.. 

be sure the lights will go on with switch #10 is on (test)

I have 5 of these and have worked good for the last 3 years.

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What others stated should get you up and running. Your "control light" will uncheck it self as soon as you click on play if running via DMX only without the LOR adapter connected and added in network preferences. Also make sure the comm listener is on.

The LOR HU doesn't have the ability to test the DMX channels if using a Enttec dongle. Only if using iDMX. But you can use Xlights to test DMX channels with Enttec.

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 Well looks like it was a bad usb cable, go figure. I used the one I used with my LOR dongle and it worked fine. Oddly enough, the one that didn't work on the Enttec does work the LOR? Weird so I just swapped USB cables and everything seems to be working fine.

I do have one more question, If i add another set of RGB lights to the controller, will they be need to be set to 4-5-6 in my LOR software? My first set is 1-2-3.

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LOR and DMX use different wires in the cable.  By the way you want to always make SURE you no NOT plug the cable running DMX into a LOR controller.   If you are using both use different color Ethernet cable for both  OR mark them VERY VERY well as to which is which.

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A dmx universe can handle 512 channels. Be it an RGB light, a motor, a moving spotlight....whatever. 512 channels.

So if you added another RGB light it could be 4,5,6. But it could be anything up to 512. You get to decide what channels each light is.

Now, since you have that 27 channel controller, and you have set it up as channel 1...the rest follow suit up to 27.

That card is best suited for RGB lights, be they strips, a string of dumb bulbs or spotlights. Just be aware of the current limit of that card.

I have 3 of them in my yard. They work great.

Glad you were able to solve the problem.

Good luck,


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