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Channel Config for Prop

CLD Kevin

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Ok….I’m having hell of time figuring this out and maybe it can’t do what I want.


In the past I’ve always used the old school animation screen. I’m trying to convert over to the visualizer because one….props move and it would be much easier to drag and drop. Also I don’t have to redraw the same prop several times….anyways, to my issue.


I used LOROC to create a Red, Green & White Mega Tree.  This Mega Tree is using single channel controllers (CTB16PC). Each color is 12 channels….so 36ch total. I created the Mega Tree in LOROC. I picked 12 channels, 1 string per channel, top view, Mega Tree Type and # of colors is 3. The remaining options I left as-is. (It’s actually 36 channels, but I get a message that it can only create1 - 32 channels?) I exported the object and was able to import into the Viz. But it didn’t create 3 separate channels for each string. I then use the Channel Wizard to create and the 3 colors per string which worked, but they are putting them in order. What I want to do is use Unit 1, chs 1-12 for Red. Unit 2, chs 1-12 for Green and Unit 3, chs 1-12 for White. The 4 remaining channels for all 3 controllers will be used for other stuff. It prompts me for the channels, but does it at every 16 channels?  I also leaded a channel config and does the same.  Maybe I have to manually rename them but seeing if I’m missing something?




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