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fire sticks/ leaping poles/ light poles etc... opinions


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I am adding to my display this year jumping to 128ch but only using like 118 anways I had 4 poles last year that wer 9' and 7ch this year I was thinking about a few different options

-2 poles 20' tall 14ch on sister channels wired togetger but on opposite sides of the yard with stars on top

-4 poles 11' tall 9ch each all on sister channels wired together

- 2 poles 9' tall inside the 10' spiral trees

Idk I might take them out of the display all together??? I cant make up my mind

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My choice for poles is nine channels. Enough for some nice effects without getting ridiculous.

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This year, I'm trying two poles, 8 foot, 7 sections each and a star, therefore 8 channels each...but, I'm also adding a single string of smart pixels to each. This way, I hope, I'll get two fixtures out of each instead of one.

Edited by dgrant
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I like mine at 5 vertical channels per 8' stick and 3 star channels on top.  That way I can do 2 sticks and stars with one controller.

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I converted my arches to sticks last year, now I can't imagine my show without them.  I can see maybe next year replacing the LEDs with ribbons or more likely Pixels.

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I like mine at 5 vertical channels per 8' stick and 3 star channels on top.  That way I can do 2 sticks and stars with one controller.


same here

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... now I can't imagine my show without them.

I made poles for my first show in 2008. I can't imagine being without them either. A great item for getting some vertical eye movement from viewers.

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I'm going to re-allocate my old sleeve archs to poles this year.  Looking forward to a new feature.

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  • 1 year later...

I just built mine out of 2x4 and made bases using 2x10 and 3/4" plywood. I have some heavy flower pots so I just ratchet strapped the bases to them. One set consists of 8 red and 8 green channels, the other is one solid channel of red, one of white and I mounted 4 10w floods on each. I love the way the poles with the floods turned out and am defiantely making more for next year!

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I thought about poles- but went with mega arches- 10' wide and 7' tall with 7 channels each. They looked completely amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have four pixel arches. 42 pixels each. I had two fire sticks that only had 3 channels each and they looked really cool for the first few years. plaining to replace them with RBG this year. Just need to decide between 8 dumb sections or pixels. 

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  • 7 months later...
1 hour ago, Markus said:

I'm new to LOR is there someplace that tells how to build Fire Sticks or Leaping Poles? Thanks!

Welcome aboard.

If the following doesn't help you, start a new thread and be a little more specific with questions. IE. LED or RGB or ???



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  • 2 weeks later...

just search you tube... how to build lor leaping archs, there are a lot of different tutorials there. Here are a few to get you started.


I hope those helps you . Most things you can think of are on you tube.. just type it in and search..

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