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Off-season use for RGB Floods/Arch and Tower

Santas Helper

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I was asked by a neighbor if I could put together a "little" light show for the reception of their daughters Wedding.


Well Yea, if it gives me another reason to sequence and break out the lights. Heck yes!!!


Warning... I don't do "little" (as requested), and they soon found that out. LOL


I've done various non Christmas diplays/shows but never created a dance floor for a wedding reception.

So the challenge is on...


In sequencing, you have to think like a stage, how would the lights go during the song? You don't sequence like it's a Christmas display. You have to display more fullness with lights and color and not a bunch of individual pieces. (And thanks to James Morris for a few songs he helped with)

So it's much easier and lots of fun (not as tasking).


I'm using my mega tree 30' tower (lights stay attached year round) and my mega arch and attached my floods to it.


The wedding isnt till this Friday so I still have more to do and glamor it up just a bit (hiding things like blocks and such) but here is a few pics of setting it up and testing.

Still need to set up some white accent floods and a few lasers hanging from the tower and shining towards the side of the building.

Also, I'm setting up my fog machine so hopefully the wind will die down in the evening for a nice stage effect.


Then the 30' x 70' tent comes Wednesday and will be adding lights to it, but in moderation and not as active as the dance floor. But more like mood lighting.


I will provide more pics in a few days and hopefully a video.





















Edited by Santas Helper
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Well all went great!!!

Took pics after it was over. I was too busy during the full dance scene.







And I've been asked about future events. We will see.....

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