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Importing Video

Ron Voigt

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Is there an easy way, no.


However you could import a video that has your current music (current sequence music) as the audio track into a sequence.

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Thanks Don. That's the way I've been doing it. Problem is now I have two identical sequences (except for the video) in my file. Is there a way to delete the one sequence without video?




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You can delete the actual sequence by opening your Windows Explorer, navigating to the Sequences directory, and removing the file in question.


Removing it from the "Recent sequences" portion of the sequence editor isn't possible.*



*Well, there may be a registry hack that will do it, but not worth messing with in my opinion.

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.REALLY easy  NO!  Not very hard  YES.  with nearly any video edit software yoiu can delete the audio from the video in question and overlay the audio from your sequenced file. Save and change to file pointer to the new video file rather than the old audio file, copy the sequence data and configertion file.  If the sound track is the same start a new sequence with the video file, import your configeration file and paste the sequence data from the original file to the new video file (you may have to move the sequence data forward or backward in new file to match)

Edited by jerrymac
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