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Mounting RGB strips on my garage door.

Uncle Brian

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I am wanting to make a matrix using 16 RGB strips on my garage door. There are 4 panels so each panel will have 4 strips on it. My thought is to make a "criss cross" frame for each panel for ease of attaching. My next though was to attach the needed power supplies and the SanDevice E682 on the back side of the door (so they would go up and down with the door. I am challenged with getting the wiring to the back side of the door with out drilling a hole.

Has any one come up with a way to accommodate decorations on their garage door and the movement of the wires when the door has opened and closed. Going around the sides does not seem to be an option as the door seals pretty tight on the way down and I think it would "pull" the wires. And going over the top or under the bottom I think would get messy with the slack needed in the wires.

The only thing I can think of is a 1 inch hole in each panel where I would plug up in summer with an blown insulation plug. I really want to avoid that so that is why I am looking for any advise someone might have.


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How about building a lite weight frame for your matrix, and us thin gauge strapping attached to the matrix frame, then the other end of the strap make a hook and hang it over the top door panel ( like a wreath hook used to hang the wreath for a walk door). attach your controller and power supply to the back side of the hook (inside the garage). I think you could still open your garage door. Have to check the clearances. Power supply cord could be attached to you power supply with a cable strip, then attach a bungy type cord to your extension cord so it would move out of the way when the garage door opens.

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