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16x16 Visualization Import


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I created a 16x16 "matrix" visualization  and trying to import into super star. I am trying to get it to show up as a 16x16 grid but I can never get that to happen, is it even possible. If someone can get this to work, please let me know how.






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I took a look at the visualization. One of the problems is that when SuperStar sees a Prop with a bunch of fixtures in it, it assumes the fixtures in that prop are to be grouped together on one row.


For your particular case, the easiest thing to do is the following:


1) Open the 16x16.lee in the visualizer

2) Double click on "RGB Pole 1" in the list of props on the right side of the screen

3) Click on "Delete" in the Prop Properties dialog box. This will delete the prop but keep all the fixtures in the Prop

4) Double click on "RGB Pole 2" in the list of props on the right side of the screen

5) Click on "Delete" in the Prop Properties dialog box. This will delete the prop but keep all the fixtures in the Prop

6) Double click on "RGB Pole 3" in the list of props on the right side of the screen

7) Click on "Delete" in the Prop Properties dialog box. This will delete the prop but keep all the fixtures in the Prop

8) Double click on "RGB Pole 4" in the list of props on the right side of the screen

9) Click on "Delete" in the Prop Properties dialog box. This will delete the prop but keep all the fixtures in the Prop


You should still see all of your fixtures, but now they are not inside of any props


Click on the File menu and select "Save As" and save the file as "16x16_fixturesOnly.lee"


Launch SuperStar

Click on the file menu and select "Import Visualization"

In the "import visualization" dialog box set the following:

  Max Length  50


  Max Detection Lines 16

Click on Ok and import the file "16x16_fixturesOnly.lee"

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Thanks Brian!


I thought I had done something like this before but it was a while ago. It must have been before I learned how to add all the fixtures to the props to make the props easier to move around.

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Just so I know the answer. Does the instant sequence only work with 50 pixels. When i bring in the 16x16 or a 12x64 the instant sequencer sequences to 50 pixels either way.

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Yes, you are correct. It does what it does, as they say.


Also, based on your original visualization, It looks like your lights are on some vertical poles. You may get better results by rotating your original visualization 90 degrees, removing the props, and saving the visualization. That way, the effects produced by instant sequence will go up and down the poles instead of across the poles.

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