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non rgb elements in superstar Q


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I will be having RGB elements and non rgb elements in the display.  I know I will have to buy a license for the RGB elements in superstar to program them and send them to my LOR sequence.  What about non-rgb elements.  Example, I have 10 mini trees that I want to case, I understand I can do that in superstar, correct?  if I can, does that count toward the channel license or is the license only for RGB elements?



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The license is sold as 2CCR, 4CCR, 8CCR, 24CCR, or 40CCR. But the program actual just looks at the channel count being exported. Each CCR is 150 channels, so the license levels export 300, 600, 1200, 3600, and 6000 channels. When the program exports it looks only at the channel count, the channels can be from CCR controllers, 16 channel controllers or any other controller.

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Oh heck that explains it. I thought it was specific to ccrs. So its only based on channel count. Now I guess I have no choice but to give up LOR and go to vixen and nutcracker. I just can't justify the cost of the software to increase channel count.

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Realize that the SuperStar license controls the number of channels you can export, not the number of channels you can sequence. So you can sequence your mini-trees separately and export them and then combine the exported sequence with your main sequence using copy/paste.

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How many RGB channels do you have? How many non-RGB channels do you have?

Would it help your situation if the license level looked at something other than channel count?

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Realize that the SuperStar license controls the number of channels you can export, not the number of channels you can sequence. So you can sequence your mini-trees separately and export them and then combine the exported sequence with your main sequence using copy/paste.

Well dang, that just answered my second question. SO for now i can just get by with the 2CCR license just in case i do do a mega tree.

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I learned about nutcracker before Super Star, but nutcracker is only for RGB, i wanted to auto sequence all my stuff so i am going with Super Star.

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Brian, i am trying to find a video some where that will show me how to cut and paste from SS to S3, do you know of one?

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Go to the lightorama main page, click on "Support" and then click on "Video Tutorials". The SuperStar tutorials are at the bottom. Look for the tutorial titled:

"Getting Superstar Sequences into Main Sequences"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Brian, Can you do a mega tree in Superstar that is only using LED strings instead of RGB?

I did last year. Just import your visualization and sequence away

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