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SS export to sequence editor Channel Config. gets messed up , please help


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Good morning everyone..

I have an issue with Super Star, was curious if anyone has experienced this with non-CCR products such as Ray Wu's pixels and Sandevice's E682 or E6804 ?


when you export your SS to the sequence editor, does your channel configuration in the sequence editor get all messed up, un-grouped and switched around, etc... ?


Its happening to me every time I try to export

Thank you

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In SuperStar there are two modes, CCR mode and Visualization mode. If you have imported a visualization you are in Visualization mode. If you have not then you are in CCR mode. Are you in CCR mode?


The export will work best if you make a visualization of your non-CCR lights and import it into SuperStar. There are two ways to make a visualization of your non-CCR RGB lights. One is to create each pixel as a single bulb and specify in the fixture dialog box that it is RGB.


There is also a "back door" way that SuperStar uses to support non-CCR RGB lights. You use CCRs in the visualization and use uses a key word in the comment line. Here are the instructions:




v3.10.14 and above have an added feature to help support DMX lights.

In this version there is a new keyword that you can put in the comment line of a Prop that tells superstar that the prop is to be treated as DMX lights. Note that the keyword only works in a prop, it will not work in a fixture. To use this new feature do the following:

1) Launch the Visualizer

2) Click on the "CCR Draw Wizard" tool, this is the one that has a multi-colored circle with a 2 segment line on top of it. (do NOT use the "Draw Cosmic Color Ribbon" tool)

3) Do a click and drag to draw a single line, double click to terminate the line.

4) A dialog box titled "Number of Pixels" will appear, Type in a name for the "Prop (CCR) Name" and then change the number to the total number of pixels in your DMX string. This number can be any number from 2 to 500. In other words, don't worry about having it be more than the number of pixels in a CCR which is 50. In most of my testing I used 60 as the number of pixels in a string.

5) After clicking on OK, a dialog box will appear titled "New/Existing fixture". Use the default which is "Create as many new Fixtures as required (Recommended)"

6) After clicking on OK, the visualizer will create a string that will have one or more CCRs in it, enough to create as many pixels as you specified. Don't worry about defining the Unit IDs for the CCRs, you can leave them undefined because SuperStar will ignore them.

7) On the right side of the visualizer are two buttons labeled "Fixtures" and "Props". Click on the "Props" button and then double click on the prop that you just created.

8) In the comment line of the prop, add the text "superstar dmx=<universe>,<channel>"   (do not enter the double quotes into the comment line, just the text inside the double quotes)

    <universe> is the universe to use for the first pixel of the prop and <channel> is the channel to use for the first pixel of the prop.

   For example, if you had 6 strings with 60 pixels each, you would add 6 props and you could add the following in the comment line of the props:

   superstar dmx=1,1

   superstar dmx=1,181

   superstar dmx=1,361

   superstar dmx=2,31

   superstar dmx=2,231

   superstar dmx=2,410


In the above example, the third string starts with universe=1 and channel=361. SuperStar will automatically bump up to the next universe when it runs out of channels for the current universe. So the last 10 pixels in the third string will use universe 2.

Also, as noted earlier, when SuperStar sees the keywords "superstar dmx=" then it ignores the unit id settings in the CCRs that are in the prop and uses the universe, channel settings that you specify.
Note that because SuperStar is using the comment line to supporting dmx, you cannot play the exported sequence back to the visualization because the Visualizer doesn't recognize the dmx settings that you placed in the comment line.

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Thank you for the reply.


One question though, How do I account for null pixels in your instruction above that you posted ? I have 5 null pixels and I account for them in my sequence editor channel configuration.

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Using the DMX keyword there is no way to specify "null pixels". If they are in the middle of your string, you would need to split your string into two props so you could have then have a gap in the addressing in between the two props. But I'm not sure it would lay them out properly.


You say you are currently using a visualization, and you say it doesn't export properly?

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Using the DMX keyword there is no way to specify "null pixels". If they are in the middle of your string, you would need to split your string into two props so you could have then have a gap in the addressing in between the two props. But I'm not sure it would lay them out properly.


You say you are currently using a visualization, and you say it doesn't export properly?

Yes, when I import visualization from the LOR visualizer into super star and after creating a super star sequence and when I export to a sup.lms and open it up in the LOR sequence editor all my channel are ungrouped and are not RGB channels.

See my screen shots of difference of what I am referring to.



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You are correct, SuperStar does not export them as grouped RGB channels. That would be a good thing for me to add next year.

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I'm having the same problem, after I exported the seq from SS to SE, the channel configuration is showing a regular LOR controllers with the regular LOR networks, I got the SE ch config from someone else that is already working as a DMX for my E682 controller for 12 ccr, the only problem the someone else ch config is missing something and some of the channels are moved up on each ccr:

If I have a face that looks like


... ... ...

... ... ...


... ...


It's looking like this in the SE visualization and on my mega tree (like the image is rotated to the left about 40o.


....... ...

... ..........

.......... ...

... ...........


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I'm sorry, I don't have any experience with DMX, so I can't speak first hand about it. I know there are people that have used it successfully. It would be best for someone with experience to answer.

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