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Help with house lights

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Another newbie here. I've been reading through for a while, and I'm really amazed at how friendly and helpful everyone is.

Anyways, I've started working on a few sequences for next year and have a small dilemma. Most of the lights that I want to have actively flashing and changing are on the ground, bushes, and fence. However, I do want the lights on the house to fade up and down every now and then. But we have all C9's on the house and we use over 20 strings of 25 (~1.5 Amp/String) to outline the roof. For some of the show, I'd like to have all these on at 100%, but putting 20 strings of C9 lights at 100% on a controller will definately fry it.

Any suggestions on how to hook up the lights on the roof so that I can dim/fade them throughout the show, but not have to buy two 16 channel controllers just to control them and handle the amps.

Thanks for the help!

- Kyle

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I'm not sure this is relevant, but I've had a mid-sized static display and decided to computerize next year. "Problem" being, that I didn't want to lose my static display, but wanted to add a show every few minutes using lights more suited to a computerized show. At first I thought I might figure out a cheap way to just shut down the static display through some independent power setup without buying a ton of LOR units that really wouldn't do much. But I'm kind of thinking that the computerized show next year will probably convince me that the neighborhood won't miss the static display as much as I thought in '07. So I'm hooking everything up to LOR for '06 and will be all set for a more active '07 as well.

'Course that approach $$$ also means giving my wife some Nyquil on the day of the LOR sale in April and hoping she doesn't notice what I'm up to. :laughing:

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I have thought about the same thing with some elements of my static display. This year I had bought 4 large SSRs (each is a 50A one) that is switched with 120v. For my static display I will be running it through these SSR's and using my LOR to switch these. This will allow me to use an 8A max channel to switch my 20-30A of static display safely.

Just a thought.

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