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While thanking Don in helping me with my problem I had earlier I also wanted to thank the following.

People who PMed me and assisted me in getting started.

Dan, Jeff, Rick, Marty, Mark, OKC_Parrothead, dearubguru and crazykid1234.

I also want to thank the whole gang in this forum.

As I've only been in this for a short period, I have scrambled the PC forum to get amazing ideas and great help in what ever assistance requested. My rush to get spooled up so fast is because I set myself a goal to have a light show in place by the spring for my amusement ride. As it looks right now, things are slowly but surely coming together (now if I can just get the wife to understand...lol). But really, this is a great forum with a lot of great people and I'm very happy to be a part of it.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the help, advice or what ever and hope one of these days soon, I can return the favor, some how.


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Hey Rick,

I promise, I will share the first video I get even if it's just a vid of getting something started. But seriously, I'm working on a pretty good size show for this spring/summer and hope it comes together ok and in time. If it does, I'll share it with everyone. it won't be christmas (until later), but all the same, it will be with the help of everyone that helped me get started.

I'm working on a neutral season for the spring/summer trying different music. We will see how it works out. That's why I ask what instrumental music others might like to see that is upbeat and off season from Christmas.

"Think dang it, think (lol), I'm a LOR sequencer not a doctor (lol)".

Thanks again Rick, Tom

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For off-season I'd still look at the TSO songs ... most are not recognizably Christmas-centric. In fact that's the reason at the last minute I didn't use them this year -- because I wanted songs which were immediately identified with Christmas.

They have a great rhythm and are upbeat.

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Rick Hughes wrote:

They have a great rhythm and are upbeat.

Rick, you are so right on that. I was thinking about using TSO (some of there songs) but wanted to make sure it didn't send a Christmas signal in the middle of the summer (even though that's not really a bad thing). I need to get a couple more CDs of TSO and really hear the music.

Do you have any suggestions?

thanks, Tom
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