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Sequences for arches?

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I'm looking for some secuences with leaping arches. Using 7-8 channels not sure yet. Any help


Not sure why no one has posted a response but arches are very, very simple to do. Use the chase tool to create one, then copy and paste as desired. You can reverse the sequence of the arch to make it go the other way. As a suggestion, turn on the first one but fade it off while turning on the next one and fading it off. It creates a smoother motion. 7 or 8 channels is plenty for an arch and if you connect to another arch (electrically) both will sequence identically.


Mr. Detail, I'm on the road right now, but when I get back to NM I'll shoot you some sequences for your arches.  Send me your email to skey803@aol.com




last year I had 16 channels and I did most of the sequences myself . this year not much time due to the subpanel I have to install for the power for the controllers. ouch $ just keep rolling out my pockets for the light show. its worth every penny. so lots and lots of work in a short time. any and all  32 channel sequences will help


I need to get on my show computer, I have seven channel arches in all my songs I'll send a few over when I'm on

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