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LOR Controller Costs

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Happy Saturday! I'm trying to get a handle on expenditures so I can start "saving up" for the LOR sale. Can anyone tell me an approximate sale price for a LOR 16 channel-30 amp controller? I've got the regular price from the LOR website, but if I could find out a ballpark figure that may allow me to budget for a third. (Right now I have budgeted for 2-16 channel units but would really like to have three....to start:}).

I was good newbie and purchased a boat load of lights at the post-christmas sales. So if I could be frugal with the controllers it will keep my hubby from going into shock even before the electric bill arrives!:laughing:

Sally Simpson
Perkasie, PA

PS If there are any newbies in the Eastern PA area give a holler. Maybe we can form a support group!!!??!

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I would also like to know what they sold for last April in the the last round of lor sales. It must of been a substantial saving if all the old timers are waiting as well as selling what they have.


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I don't recall, and honestly, it's not worth trying to remember. If this years price is higher than last years price, some people will be upset.

If you are going to buy more than one controller, it's worth waiting for the sale. If you are buying only one, and you want it *now* you need to decide if it's worth waiting a few months to save a few dollars.

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Roman A. Gurule Jr. wrote:

What was the price last year during the sale.

I do not recall last years prices either... (getting old) We really have not set the prices yet for the sale.... They will be the lowest prices we will be giving this year.
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:laughing:If you have to ask the price then you can't afford it!:laughing:

Actually, just plan for the current retail price and you will be safe. Gosh that was simple.:waycool:

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Roman A. Gurule Jr. wrote:

It's not that I can't afford it, it's just that I have a wife.

Only the lucky few I think have wifes that don't think we are all nutz. Welcome to the fraternity. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
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Awesome. You will have a long, successful marriage. Not often posts make me laugh out loud, but yours sure did.

Moving Target

Roman A. Gurule Jr. wrote:
It's not that I can't afford it, it's just that I have a wife.


Edited to quote the right poster.
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Last year the LOR sales were in January, there might have been a second one but cant recall. I remember the prices on A CTB- 8 was $80 or like $90, but I know for a fact I only paid $160 for a CTB-16D. (what a amazing price) Dont remeber the prices on the showtime units.

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LOL, that was good. Hey guess what I will throw in 1 slightly used wife, and up the ante with a set of twin girls, and a 4 month old son. Now THAT my friend is what you call tight times. lol

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Just save your $$ for the 2-16 channel usnits. Then if the sale is good enough maybe you can afford another 8 channels.. That is how I am looking at it... heck even if it only works out to free shipping I am happy...

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