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Fadeing with X10

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I'm not sure where to post this , be here or X10 fourm ,
I have the starter kit on order from LOR and I have downloaded the software , so while I'm waiting for my stuff I thought I would try some X10 things I have.
I have a CM11A and LM465 Lamp module
I was thinking of useing it for a radio sign in my display
was trying to fade up at the start of a sequence and fade down at the end.
The fade up seems to turn on full then turn off then on again, the fade down works fine .
Can I do this with LOR and X10? thanks for your help.

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My X10 stuff in at the office so I can test it now and I will not be in there until Monday at the earliest. However as I recall, there are some funny things about X10 and fading and I know I have seen LOR fade up/ fade down/fade up/fade down BUT as I recall to do a fade up you have to be in a particular state so it may not fade up as the first command.... I know this is as about as clear as mud, (sorry)

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It's funny you mention the fade thing. I was playing around with that exact function today. I've got a light switch control in one of my halls and a lamp controller next to the couch. I was trying several effects with the two lights. The trick is realizing X10 can only issue 1 command at a time, so if you had something else going on, the command could be delayed.

The fade does work, but you need to hve the item OFF before a fade up. Also, you need to have it on before a fade down. I would create a stand-alone sequence just for the sign and put it in the show. I don't think the x10 plays well with others!

Also, if you are using some of the newer modules, they automatically fade up and down when an ON or OFF command is sent. That may be another way around the issue for you.

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With the LM465 you cant switch on at anything other than 100% brightness.

So, either

a) Get a module that accepts "resume dim" or "preset dim" extended commands (assuming LOR supports these commands, which I dont know if it does or not, but if it does the CM11 is capable of sending them) or

B) Dont switch it off: just dim down to 0% and then you can dim up again...

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