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Nutcracker Tutorial Tonight, May 30th, 7pm MST. New effect Strobe. Text Eff

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What: Nutcracker Tutorial:

When: Thursday, May 30th. 7pm MST (Denver Time) . 9pm EST, 6pm PST



New Effect for Text

New Effect for Twinkle: Strobe





See you  on BigBlue Button conference.


 follow these steps:

select cracker in the "Join a meeting"


enter your name, no password is needed


i will open conference at 6:45pm MST, tutorial will start 7:00pm MST


We will try teamviewer for sharing the screen. 

Download from teamviewer.com before we start.

 I will give out the meeting ID.


This will be recorded and be available 1-2 hours after the close of the session. All tutorials are being posted on vimeo.


Tutorials are found on the releases page




Tutorial has been posted


This tutorial covered the Text controls, the Strobe effect added into the Twinkle Effect Class and how to share sequences with other people.


Sharing a sequence with another person only requires sharing one xml file.


In Nutcracker all effects are autoscaled to whatever target you have. 180, 360 dgeree megatree; 2' or 20' tall, Arches, Matrix, Megatree. When you hsare a sequence the shared sequence will be amde to fit the new target. Since Nutcracker is before the export to a sequencer, these shared sequences can be used across LOR, LSP, Vixen or HLS.


For Example


Nightmare Before Christmas


1) Get the mp3 file

You start with the file downloaded from Amazon.com

"03 - This Is Halloween.mp3"


You must put this file into your xLights show directory. In my case, c:\Vixen.2.1.1\Sequences


2) Create a new Nutcracker sequence from this mp3 file

a) Go to Nutcracker tab in xLights

B) Click the file open icon

c) Select the second option, "New Musical Sequence"

d) Select the mp3 file you just downloaded

Now a blank Nutcracker sequence is created for however many channels you defined in the setup tab.

e) Attach your target model to the song.

Click "Display Elements" and then click on one of your target models

f) Insert one blank row into the new sequence. The insert row icon is two icons to the right of the file open icon.

g) Attach one effect (any effect) to the first row.

click in the cell below your model name and select bars from the effect pull down.

click on "Update Grid" to assign effect.


3) Save the new sequence as an xLights file (*.xseq).

My convention is to make all file name have the same base filename. So when i click the save icon and it prompts

for a file name i enter "03 - This Is Halloween"

A new file is created in my show directory called "03 - This Is Halloween.xseq". A second file is also created called "03 - This Is Halloween.xml".

It is this last xml file that has all Nutcracker information. This is the file you share with others.


In summary I now have 3 files for Nightmare Before Christmas


03 - This Is Halloween.mp3   5.8 mbytes

03 - This Is Halloween.xseq  42.1 mbytes  <= this contains the path to the mp3 and the entire 26 million cells of the song. 

03 - This Is Halloween.xml    10 kbytes     <= this has all timing marks and the settings of every slider and color palette for the effects you selected


Now you have two paths:

1) Continue to add rows to your sequence and attach your own effects. You will need to decide where the music phrases are and enter those times into column 1




2) Copy someone elses xml file on top of your xml. When you copy another xml file from another user, you will get all of their timing marks, all of the Nutcracker effects they used.

Here are the steps to accomplish this


a) Copy their xml file into your paste buffer. I will be posting xml files for dozens of songs on a web link soon to be published.

B) Open your xml file in an editor (wordpad works).

c) Type ctl-a to highlight your small xml contents. Type ctl-v to paste the other xml in its place.

d) You need to make a one line change on Line 6 of the new xml. Replace the other person Target Model name with the Model name you are using

e) Save the file


You now have your xml loaded up with all of their timing marks and their effects.


Go into Nutcracker and do a file open. Select "03 - This Is Halloween.xseq" and you are ready to play the sequence.





Here is my "03 - This Is Halloween.xml" as an example. Remember to change my model name (VMATRIX) to your model name on line 6



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsequence BaseChannel="0" ChanCtrlBasic="0" ChanCtrlColor="0">


    <td>Start Time</td>





    <td>  0.000</td>


    <td>Twinkle,None,Effect 1,ID_SLIDER_SparkleFrequency=200,ID_SLIDER_Speed1=10,ID_SLIDER_Speed2=10,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Count=32,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Steps=200,ID_CHECKBOX_Twinkle1_Strobe=0,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_1=#8000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_2=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_2=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_3=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_4=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_5=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_5=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_6=#FF8000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_1=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_2=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_2=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_3=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_4=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_5=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_5=#FFFFFF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_6=#000000</td>





    <td>Twinkle,None,Effect 1,ID_SLIDER_SparkleFrequency=200,ID_SLIDER_Speed1=10,ID_SLIDER_Speed2=10,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Count=32,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Steps=200,ID_CHECKBOX_Twinkle1_Strobe=0,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_1=#8000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_2=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_2=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_3=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_4=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_5=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_5=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_6=#FF8000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_1=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_2=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_2=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_3=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_4=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_5=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_5=#FFFFFF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_6=#000000</td>





    <td>Twinkle,None,Effect 1,ID_SLIDER_SparkleFrequency=168,ID_SLIDER_Speed1=10,ID_SLIDER_Speed2=10,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Count=32,ID_SLIDER_Twinkle1_Steps=200,ID_CHECKBOX_Twinkle1_Strobe=0,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_1=#8000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_2=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_2=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_3=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_4=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_5=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_5=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_6=#FF8000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_1=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_2=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_2=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_3=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_4=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_5=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_5=#FFFFFF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_6=#000000</td>



    <td>  11.781</td>





    <td> 14.652</td>


    <td>Meteors,None,Effect 1,ID_SLIDER_SparkleFrequency=200,ID_SLIDER_Speed1=10,ID_SLIDER_Speed2=10,ID_CHOICE_Meteors1_Type=Palette,ID_SLIDER_Meteors1_Count=10,ID_SLIDER_Meteors1_Length=25,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_1=#8000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_2=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_2=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_3=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_4=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_5=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_5=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette1_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette1_6=#FF8000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_1=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_1=#FF0000,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_2=1,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_2=#00FF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_3=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_3=#0000FF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_4=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_4=#FFFF00,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_5=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_5=#FFFFFF,ID_CHECKBOX_Palette2_6=0,ID_BUTTON_Palette2_6=#000000</td>















































































































































    <td> 82.632</td>




























































































































































































































































































































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