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Seizure Star

Jeff Messer

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***** Warning Fast Blinking Lights Ahead*******

OK here we go...... Long awaited Seizure Star has arrived. Special Thanks to Andy H. for his programming talents to bring this beast alive. Plus BobO for giving it the name.

Star was constructed using 12V 2811's nodes and rectangle Pixel's. Programmed in LOR using a J1sys board to run it. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/80554399/Star%20Final.MP4 It's a big file. Please let me know your thoughts as it will be on top of my new pixel tree this year.


Edited by Jeff Messer
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It will be about 200 feet away and 25 feet high on top of the pixel tree.. I was in the shed but my wife had to leave the building. She wants me to hang it outside so she can see it.

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Well I am building everything at my house but I put the show on at my brother in laws house 4 hours away in Hanson, Florida. No worry about them seeing it but wanted to share with everyone here. Hope LOR can keep up with it...


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Very nice!  Would love to see "daytime" photos of your construction (or link to other threads if you already discussed that elsewhere). 


Now I have to make the spots in my vision go away. :blink:

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Just wanted everyone to know I will post the video of how to so everyone can enjoy. Right now dropbox has my account shut down due to traffic. LOL


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That is an attention getter!  Gives me some ideas for my star.  I would love to see a photo of the star construction.

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