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David Lyso

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What is "PE" ?

Within the show editor, you simply click on the "+" sign within the Musical tab, which will let you add a sequence to a show.

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Thing is Don, you wouldnt import a song into the show editor either. Wonder if the lad is mixed up badly and wants to import a song per say into a sequence that he downloaded or purchased? Legally he would have to supply the music to the sequence and wants to load the media into the sequence file. I believe the term I have been searching for is associate the song with the sequence. Is this what your trying to say OP?

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I am just learning and am not sure were to begin. I puchased some pre made shows and already have the music. how do i import the shows into the program and also the music. I have a 16 channel unit.. this makes the learing curve easier

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Going to try to help, some of the following is winging it. If you did the standard install (nothing custom). Go to "My Documents" folder and you should see a directory called Light Orama. Within this directory there should be several more. The two important ones are "Audio" and "Sequences". Once you find these, put the sequence in the sequence folder and put the audio file in the audio folder. Make sure the audio file is constant bit rate if it is in the MP3 format. Variable bit rate will not stay in sync with your sequence.

Once you have done this, launch the sequence editor and then open the sequence. Click on edit, media and then the proper song from the audio file. Once the audio file is loaded click on file and then save.

Edited by Max-Paul
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