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star construction tips needed for next year


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i attached the 4 part wire frame star i am planning on building for next year. I was thinking a separate channel on each of the 4 stars and some drip tubes radiating out around the circumference as a 5th channel. On a budget, was just going to zip tie white minis to the wire frame. Does anyone have any tips or thoughts on easier / better before I get started. This will just hang from the high gable on the front of the house.


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The wire frame is from Darryl, 2' 2D.

Something going on with the attachments right now, not sure why I can;t upload the picture.

Edited by BrianC
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one followup question for anyone, in stringing LED mini's on the 4 star layers, is there a way to make them custom fit or do I just have to black some out ? I wasn't sure how the voltage thing works with LED since I see strings of 35,50,60,70,100... there can't be that many different voltages of LED to make those work in series on a 110v connection. Can there ?

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Effectively I have built my own LED strings. (converted strings in spiral trees). I know that your white, green, blue and a few others have a 3.3 - 3.6 volt drops. Taking 110VAC and running it through a full wave bridge, I can only string 46 LEDs in series. Have you ever noticed what we call a wire wart in the wires. Even notice that the 50, 70, and 100 count strings have 3 or 4 wire warts? All of the LEDs between the wire warts are a sub string. I just got done this fall making a mega tree with 100 ct strings. Red string had 3 wire warts. While the white and green had 4 wire warts. The red, org, and yellow LEDs have a 2.2v forward rating. Roughly 70 LEDs of the R, O, or Y can be strung in series.

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i need to look at the strings i bought for this year more closely. Both whites and reds were 60 cnt's. White should have way under powered and even the red a little short on voltage.

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