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CCR's not playing in proper sequence.

David Barnett

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OK, tonight, using SSE and Brian's help. I finished my David Foster Carol of the Bells seq.

It looked good in SSE, when played back in the visualizer, it was playing in order.

Now when I play it on my actual CCR's, they are somewhat screwy...scratchin my head.

Let me explain. I have 3 sets of CCR's made into 6 arches. facing the arches, the arch furthest left, is controller 08.

Middle is Controller 09. and right end is controller 0A. The far left controller is hooked up to 08 alone. 09,0A have the controllers next to each other.

OK, here is what is happening. The initial effect is a bounce across from left to right.

what is happening is, the right arch fires off first, left to right ie pixel 1-25, then pixel 26-50 for each half.

Then the middle ribbon fires, but it is starting from the right half and moving to the left, and finally the left ribbon is firing right to left as well.

So, I have the right ribbon bouncing right, then the middle ribbon bounces left towards the left ribbon, then finally the left ribbons fires to the left.

I know I have to have a controller or 2 bassackwards, cuz everything plays fine in the Viz and SSE.

What would be some suggestions to trouble shoot this issue. This is the only seq. I used SSE. All others were from last year.

I will say I noticed the last half of the middle ribbon is the same color as the first half. IE my ribbons from left to right should be red/green,red/green,red/green.

But it is red/green,red/red/red/green. Hope this helps.

ANY IDEAS Appreciated. I can live with it, if no one has any ideas. But, would like to correct if i can.

On a Happy note: Headed to see TSO tomorrow night in Dallas! ;-)

Merry Christmas Everyone



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If it plays correctly to visualizer but not to your actual display it indicates that you visualization does not match your actual display. In the visualizer there is not an option to indicate where the controller is for the CCR, but make sure that in the visualization you have pixel 1 of the CCR be where you have the controller for that CCR. One tip is to be sure to have the background color of your visualization be gray. This is because there are some things that it displays in white and some in black. So if you have a white background you won't see the numbers by each of the CCR pixels. And if you have a black background you won't see some of the other labels that are in black.

To change the background, click on the Edit menu and select "Background". Then set the "intensity" control to the middle, then press OK.

Also, since each of your arches is made from 1/2 of a CCR, if you defined them each as a separate fixture then in the arches that start with pixel 25, you need to set the "Physical Starting Pixel Number" to 25 for that fixture.

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What a frikken mess! Ok, based on my troubleshooting, I discovered my CCR's Unit ID's incorrect.

CCR 08 my first or leftmost ribbon was showing 0A which is actually my 3rd ribbon or the rightmost ribbon

CCR 09 was set to 08..09 being the middle ribbon

I went and redid my CCR unit ID's. They all tested fine in the HWU

I then checked my SSE sequence that was rexported after making changes.

Now half the time ribbon 0A won't even fire off an effect I know should be there. And the left/middle ribbons are going right-left, instead of left to right.

I rechecked my other sequences as well. Sure enough, ribbon 0A on the rightside is showing fine.

But ribbons 8,9 are going backwards right-left.

looking at my ribbon setup they go like this, keeping in mind, they are 2 arches from 1 CCR for a total of 6.

Left Arch(08)/controller...Middle Arch (09)/Contoller...Controller/Right Arch(0A)... I know I have this messed up somehow, would just like to get my original sequences, going correct again.

Since LOR still hasn't got the CCR firmware, to where I can use the flip/1 in the HWU; then I'm going to try and physically flip ribbons/arches 8,9... to where the contollwill always be on the left side.then check and see how everything is looking.

I also noted my CCR were wrong in the vizlizer, correct those and resaved my new lee file. May have to redo the 2 arch/1ccr on each to correct anything.

Then, I hope I can reload my COB SSE sequence with the new visualizer import, and have everything working correctly. At least my original seq. Hopefully they aren't screwed up.

Any other ideas, I'm open to suggestions.

Merry Christmas,


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Whew! Fixed! Yipee Frikken Yee!!

Too Cold and Tired to explain it right now...but my Carol of the Bells done with SSE...Rocks! Than You Brian, for your help and patience.

Merry Christmas Everyone :D


OH Yeah, Saw TSO in Big D last night...what an awesome show. It's all new, with new story line; and everything. Gave me some sequence ideas for next year...2 words.....FIRE! and LASERS! :lol:

I'm just serious...ly kidding

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George, it will blow your mind. They really rocked the house last night.

Ok, in a nutshell my fun of getting this to run.

1. Discovered, firstly that my CCR controller had wrong addresses and order....corrected.

2.Watched my seq. as well as the SSE seq....out side"Brrrr" Seq. were playing bassackwards again, and some of the SSE COB sequence wouldn't play the 3 CCR......uggh!

3.At this point I had 2 choices. figure out were things were on the layout, and completely redo my seq. Or physically change my actual CCR/Arches around outside, so the controller cord started on the left end. Of course, if the 2Q 2012 update that LOR John mentioned had been done, I could have just flipped the darn things! But I digress. Of course now, with the short data cables on the ribbons, had to move the controllers farther away. So a 300am trip to walmart to get some longer Cat 5 cables. Setup everything again, ran the seq, CCR1,2 moving properly now, but CCR3 not doing as per seq. Ugggh.

4.went into vizulizer, deleted my arches, and redrew/reset from scratch.

5. Reset my SSE stuff

6.Ran the seq. again, same result! Uggh!

7. Had another controller, due to a ribbon that went bad. (Can't these expensive things, last more than 1 season!Geez!) Hooked up that contoller, used HWU to reset ID. Updayed firmware to 1.10 as the other CCR's.

8. Crossed fingers, ran seq again. What a beautiful sight...bouncing from left-right...firing on time and effects playing great. Oh what Fun!

Merry Christmas everyone

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