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Ideas for a quickie FM frequency sign?


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I cant beleive how far I dive into the deep end on this...

I started thinking "its December 10th, guess I'm waiting till next year"

Then I figured since Im stringing damn lights anyways- might as well get a 16-channel LOR to learn/play with

After seeing just how awesome the software is, decided I need a few songs.... fast forward several sleepless nights.

NOW, Ive got like 4 songs rotating, and noticed cars were already driving by, stopping and trying to figure out what was going on (I didnt want to crank outdoor music too laet at night).

So, I bought a FM transmitter (might as well at this point, right! :-) )

Very cool, works fine- havent even had to hack the antennae to increase distance, etc.

*takes breath*

So now, I just need a simple way to SHARE the FM frequency to passers-by. I saw a nice lit sign setup from an online dealer, but it wont arrive for a week....

Any quick and easy ideas (short of a piece of posterboard!)....

Edited by lowepg
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I was in the same situation as you when I finished setting up my display for the first time this season. What I did was went to Lowes and purchased a small peg board and arranged some colored mini lights if the form of 90.5 FM. The mini lights fit perfectly through the holes and just hot glue them into place. I had some old flat wooden stakes laying around my garage and attached them to the peg board with a couple screws and zip ties (for stability) and stuck the sign into the grass in my front yard. I designated one channel on each of my sequences to light up the sign and just had the channel ON for the whole sequence.

Here is a break down of what I used:

* (1) peg board (cut to desired size)

* 100 count multicolored mini lights (I used 2 sets of 100 count)

* Glue gun and several glue sticks

* flat wooden stakes (depending on the size of your sign...I used three)

* wood screws and zip ties (used to secure stakes to peg board)

Hope this helps.

Edited by Comopr2
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If you have or can get one of those yard gnomes that has a small solar-powered LED spotlight that would do a good job of lighting a sign without costing you a channel.

Your neighborhood big box hardware store has small sheets of white-colored corrugated cardboard. Get yourself a wide marker and have at it.

Unless it turns out dreadful, it will do the job and no one will give it a second thought.

Then you can do something more artistic for next year.

Merry Christmas!

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Paint a board white and use black letter stickers from the hardware store. Or green with white stickers. I have used that for 3 years now.

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Coro plastic panel, draw your radio frequency on it, drill holes the size of your lights (mm5 or mm6) insert lights and put it on a timer.

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Thanks.... dunno why some of these ideas escaped me!

Went to OfficeMax, bought a real estate sign kit, some vinyl letter and voilla!

My concern was it wouldn't be visible enough, so i bought a mini spike-flood, but it turns out it wasnt needed.... the front edge of my lawn has enough street lap to reflect the vinyl letters....

Yay! Thanks!

Already worked! One neighbor stopped by and said they finally understood the sequential flashing- until they listened to the music- they thought it was randomly flashing

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