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Newbie E682 & E1.31. user

Gary Levelius

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First time user of the Sandevices E682 and E1.31 and having trouble. Here are the details:

Network is set up, with a router, to use addresses to

DHCP configured on router to use to

Router is assigned

Wireless-n on router configured to

Computers are configured by MAC address on router so they always get the same IP address. All devices currently operate as they should so the basic network is sound.

the E682 is configured as static address, gateway and DNS are set to the router address, subnet mask is, same as all other devices on the network. I can access the configuration page for the E682 so I know it's right that far.

Have a string of WS2801 pixels attached to plug 1-1 and they operate correctly with the test patterns so I think pixel configuration is right. Cluster 1 shows a DMX address range of S1-001 to S2-090 so I'm assuming the first plus would be universe 1 addresses 1-50.

LOR network configuration is set to use E1.31 in unicast mode with address (the E682) set as the controller. Loading the control panel and I see the network active so I know E1.31 data is beng sent. Also see the network activity light on the E682 blinking. Load sequence editor and a sequence. Convert the first 12 or so channels to DMX universe and set the addresses to 1-12.

Attempt to run the sequence and get no DMX output. Listener shows no errors.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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First of all, change the network configuration to multicast. Then check your universe numbers, both in the LOR channel configuration and on the E682 and verify that you're in fact sending data to the correct universe. Don't just assume it's set at universe 1, 2, 3, etc.

Edit: I should clarify on the multicast: The static IP that you assigned to the E682 is ONLY for accessing the web configuration page and has NOTHING to do with E1.31 data being sent to the controller. LOR needs to be configured as multicast for the E682 to receive the data.

Edited by n_gifford
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Step 1 is multicast not unicast

Step 2 confirm your pixel type is setup properly in the E682

Step 3 Confirm your wiring for the pixel theres are 4 on the 2801 and do not count on the marking on the strip to be accurate. Most of the time they are not.

Step 4 Once you get them working you will need to setup the colors, as I will bet the color scheme is #4 in the RGB menu

Dont forget to save

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Multicast seemed to be the problem as all is now working. I had these pixel strings working with Ray Wu's controller so I already knew the RGB order. Next is to get the intelligent strip working. It's also a WS2801 chipset but it's set up as BGR color scheme. Will be interesting to see how it works. Thanks everyone!


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Multicast seemed to be the problem as all is now working. I had these pixel strings working with Ray Wu's controller so I already knew the RGB order. Next is to get the intelligent strip working. It's also a WS2801 chipset but it's set up as BGR color scheme. Will be interesting to see how it works. Thanks everyone!


Glad you got it working! The IP configuration seems to be a common misunderstanding with the way that LOR asks for network configuration. I believe there are a couple controllers available that allow unicast configuration, but the E68x does not.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just ordered a SanDevice E681 controller, some Stellascope green strings and planning in using LORs S3 and SuperStar.

Looking forward to getting this project going.

How is your project coming along?

Gil V.

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Just ordered a SanDevice E681 controller, some Stellascope green strings and planning in using LORs S3 and SuperStar.

Looking forward to getting this project going.

How is your project coming along?

Gil V.

Still getting used to the controller and it's interface for the moment, but like you, I better get moving. The interface to LOR S3 via E1.31 seems to work quite well but ain't gonna be as easy as a CCR for sure. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Gary, may I piggy back on your thread? I too am having problems sending any commands (sequence) to my inteli strip. I thought that multicast is still bound by the mask. For example my web interface IP is And in LOR I did set up universe 1 and multicast. I note that when the listener is running it says that it is listening for port (8837(?)) on 239.xxx.0.1. This address and the 192 address do not work with mask.

I have typed te 0 and sa 0 and did a power cycle. I see that I have received packets on univ 1 and all test work right. Only thing missing right now is the ability to run a seq.

Oh I should also say that I have the control panel loaded, LOR ver is 3.9, Listener window does not indicate any errors. And my RGB channels in the seq are configured as DMX univ 1 and actual channels 1 - 300 (two strings of 50 chips each, or 4 arches of 25 chips each). Cant call them pixels cause aint those the LEDs? And I have 10 chips per meter, but 30 LEDs per meter.


Hope I covered it all, sure could use some input cause I have skinned this cat about every way I can think of as of now.


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Max when you're tring to run a sequence as you know make sure control lights is checked and insure your LOR dongle the RJ45 is pluged into your computer.

Edited by MCas4380
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Max when you're tring to run a sequence as you know make sure control lights is checked and insure your LOR dongle the RJ45 is pluged into your computer.

Hi ya Mac,

Not sure what that last bit about the dongle and RJ-45 is meaning? I have a standard patch cable in the ethernet socket on my laptop, if that is what you mean. Otherwise I would not have been able to access the web server on the E682 board. I have also downloaded an Ascan (is that right?) monitor that also works as a control console for checking out strings. And was able to pull a few more test on the strings. Everything works fine. Things are starting to point to LOR.

When the sequence is running and with I.E. open to the web server.  I can see the packets are counting up for socket 1 which is universe 1. Yet nothing happens. And yes I have to keep going back after each run attempt to re-check the run lights option. You would think that it would stay checked at least for that sequence till you close it down. Its almost like it is receiving packets, but not formatted correctly. Which flavor of DMX should I be running?

Edited by Max-Paul
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Max Paul just hook your LOR dongle into the port and leave it hanging. Then your pc will notice the comm and should start the sequence to your hub via E1.31

I know it sounds strange but give it a try. You'll be surprised

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Max Paul just hook your LOR dongle into the port and leave it hanging. Then your pc will notice the comm and should start the sequence to your hub via E1.31

I know it sounds strange but give it a try. You'll be surprised

 Sorry i was not clear Max this is what i was trying to say. I'm at work and only get quick replies. http://store.lightorama.com/uscoad.html  USB - RJ45 Serial Adapter is the thing i was trying to explain

Thank you hdracer

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Thanks HD and Mac. That figures. Might be the reason that I keep having to tell it to control the lights. Thanks guys, one of those undocumented tricks I did not see anywhere. Will go give it a try in a few min after the weather report.



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In network preferences  make sure you have none selected under LOR. (port) That is why the control lights won't stay checked. 

Edited by SteveMaris
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Probably an obvious statement but make sure shows are not enabled.

I was hooking my stuff up yesterday to test and shows was enabled still from this past season, it drove me crazy for a few minutes

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First again thanks HD and Mac, that was the major part of the problem. Seems that maybe also my patch cable has a problem. Replacing the cable helped. One minute it ws working and next it wasnt. Then replace the cable it is was solid.


Guys Steve was saying that it was the reason that the check mark wasnt staying checked. He was not suggesting that I do not want the control lights checked. He was telling me how to get around having to have the dongle plugged in. Thats all.


Steve thanks for the work around and HD and Mac for the fix that I didnt realize. Working like a champ now. Dang this pixel stuff sure does take it to another level. Now to see how many different effects I can come up with for some arches.

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