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3rd party controllers


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So I am toying with the idea of setting up a mega tree for next winter, and I have access to 3rd party controllers, but I only know a very little about how they actually work.

What I am wondering is if the LOR software will be able to work with 3rd party 8 and 16 port controllers? Does anyone know?



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If your 3rd party controllers can run DMX, then you could use LOR to control them since LOR can output to DMX.

If they do not accept DMX, then you probably won't be able to control them with LOR.

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Thank you Don! That is what I needed to know!

And I know this might be a long shot, but through reading some of these topics, you guys seem to know your stuff, so here goes...

I have access to Honeywell XL50 controllers, and through reading their datasheets, I see they typically run on a software program called LonWorks. When reading about LonWorks, I see that they have the ability to control lighting. Does anyone out there know if this software runs using DMX, and/or if DMX would work on these specific controllers?


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LonWorks is a Building automation protocol. I would not use any type of Building automation product for xmas lighting. I am currently an automation technician that uses BACnet and LonWorks on a daily basis. The LonWorks buss will not work the LOR protocol.

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