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CCR and Superstar


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I am considering chganging my mega tree lights to CCR next year.

My question concerns pixel resolution.

I would like to use Superstar to program the tree, and want the maximum resolution (1 pixel=1 bulb).

My current tree has a hypotenuse that is 1/2 the length of a standard 100 light string (about 13 feet).

This is equal to 25 CCR lights.

So a single CCR (100 lights) could provide a 4 verticals of my tree.

My question is:

Can Superstar deal with the notion that pixel 1, 50, 51 and 100 are at the bottom of the three and pixels 25, 26, 75 and 76 are at the top?

That is, will their built in animation macros work when applied to a mega tree where there are only 25 lights on each vertical?

I am hoping that the answer is NOT that I have to lower the resolution or treat the up-and-down as a "wedge"...

I know that no matter what, I can light each pixel independently, but I want to use the power of Superstar macros, and not have to build the macros custom.

A couple of other questions - mainly for current users of CCR nodes:

* Bulb vs Pixel for Mega Tree - any preferences, and why?

* How many verticles is "too many" for a CCR mega tree? Is 32 twice as dramatic as 16, or is more not necessarily better?

* Can one argue that half a CCR Mega Tree (only showing the front half) is better than a full-circle Mega Tree? The argument being that the back half of the tree confuses intricate patterns. The reason I brig up this last quesrtion is that I think the flat CCR mega trees look really great, and could see how a second layer behind it could hurt the effect.

Edited by brianfox
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Sorry for not answering your questions, but you really complicated this by mis-identifying CCR's and CCP's in your question. CCRs only have 50 pixels and are in a ribbon. CCP and CCB have 100 nodes.

I can speak to half a CCR tree as I have one- The issue with CCR's is they are mostly directional and have to be pointed to the viewer. It would be a little tricky to get all the ribbons around the tree to face the viewer, but it could be done. The most common design for the CCR 1/2 a mega a tree is a flat design.


Edited by steve synek
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Jeez, I really did make a mess of that. Sorry.

I am NOT looking at using Ribbon at all.

I would use the Bulbs.

Edited by brianfox
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