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Lights now flicker randomly after working fine


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I have been away from LOR for a few years. This year, I decided to get back in it. I plugged everything in, fired up the computer, set the show to run, and I was back in business. The first night, it ran flawlessly. I could run individual songs through the sequence editor and they all worked. The show also worked great.

Night 2-The show started up and ran great for about 4 hours. My wife said it shut off around 9 or so. When I came home from work the next day I found a GFCI outlet had tripped (one LOR box and the computer running the show were on that line).

I reset the outlet and turned everything back on. As the show started up, it tripped about 10 seconds in. I figured there was water on the some extension cords from the sprinklers. I let it dry out that night and turned off the sprinklers.

Now, whenever I "enable shows" random strings flash. When I "disable shows" they stop. When I go to the Hardware utility they start flashing again.

I haven't changed any hardware or software settings. The only thing was that the computer and 1 box shut off with the GFCI the night before.

When I run a sequence in the editor the music plays but the lights just flicker randomly also.

I'm at a total loss and the show is obviously on hold. Any suggestions?



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Have you opened the controller on that line and looked inside? I had one that wasn't completey shut and moisture and some water got in it, and it was doing the same thing you describe, so that could be the problem.

If it is, use just use a hair dryer and dry it out, and then let it set for a couple hours to fully dry out after that. Then your GFCI shouldn't trip, if it does, could be another issue somewhere on that same circuit or you may have a GFCI going bad.

And make sure the controller is shut tight.

Edited by Orville
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