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How to hook up and update Mini Director ?


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I'm trying to update the md to the newest firmware 4.21 I'm in hardware select firmware 4.21 and it goes for ever in status it says loading in activity it says locate unit and in update progress it never moves / updates. I plug the md direct to the lor USB connector no status light, if I leave the md connected to the light controller then hook a cat5 in to the controller I get a blink status light now but still won't update. Anyone have any idea what I need to do. I want to update so I can use larger sd cards thanks

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Was hoping someone had the same issue and had a fix before I filed a support tix.

After numerous attempts I took it apart pulled the jumper and it updated. I then put the jumper back closed it up.

It still did not just play my shows even with 4 different 2gb cards from sandisk. I did get a 4gb sandisk card that I formatted to fat to work so its all good for this year.

Edited by gso125
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